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~mistress miranda~

Im in the bold.. shes not.. *laughs* i also went to her page...found the URL from her AOL profile.. and her page is well.. to say it nicely, fucking terrible.. skeleton animated graffics, tacky candle ani's, and the ever so gothic black on black motife.. and i almost forgot that lovely swinging back and forth door image she uses on her opening page "tres gothique" i must say.. ohh and wait..did i detect spelling errors on her page as well.*now thats pretty bad cuz everyone knows how bad i spell* funny i left her a guest book entry but she deleted it.. no suprize there.. some people and their big mouths.. they have no problem bitching at me..but when it comes to get thier dose they dont know what to do.. *pouty face* lets just say..that for someone who was giving me pointers on a better page..she could have been using that time to correct her own.. i was not very impressed.


**Well, sweetie, after taking a look around your page, I do have a few bits of what I hope will be constructive criticism to add.**

i apprecaite that you took the time to discet what i did rather than look at it all in the big picture.. shows that indeed you do have too much time on your hands in the late evening.. try sleep... at least its constructive.

**First of all, your constant grammar, spelling and capitalization (or lack thereof) errors are really quite trying for the reader. I also, personally, find them to be quite annoying, and to me, it comes across as a lack of effort on your part. It is my personal opinion, and a generally accepted rule of thumb, that if you are going to publish anything on the web, that it should, at least, live up to a certain standard. For the most part, the minimum entails that it has decent spelling and grammar.**

ok.. on my page it says plainly that i suck at spelling.. and i dont hit spell check.. i think my grammar is just fine.. if you can understand what im talking about then why bitch? you dont like it, then dont come back.. either that or write something bitchy in my guest book.. i could give a shit either way. now as for the general rule of thumb about the web... well im certainly not the only one who cant spell.. i can say this.. ive gotten alot of shit for my page..but at least my page has might not be what you want to only suggestion is go elsewhere.. there are tons of links on the links page.. escape was only a click click away..

**It also appears to me that you are trying too hard to be, or to appear to be, or whatever as "gothic." The most important part about it, in my personal opinion, is to just be yourself. Fuck image! It doesn't matter what other "gothic" people think about your so-called "gothness," including your friends (if this is the case), as well as people that you don't know.**

id really love to know where i come across like that.. youre not the first one to have said that nor i assume be the last... but truly and honestly i dont get where you guys get that from.. i could give a shit what people think about my gothinticity.. or lack there of.. so fucking put a g on my chest stand me on the pedistal of shame in front of my peers for being myself ... cuz i hardly try to be anything else...

**I don't know you, so I obviously can't say what you are really like in person. But I can say, that from the appearance of your web page, it comes across that you are trying too hard, and are too caught up with what the scene is supposed to be about, rather than what it is... And in the superficial appearances of it. Enough said.**

your presception of me is wrong.. way off.. and seeming steriotypical of alot of net goths.. im not interested in the long dead scene or what people who are trying to relive it think of how i present myself...

**Oh yeah, and those Jem pics have got to go! ;-)**

oh yeah.. the reason they aer on my page is because fatty catty discord mentioned that i looked like jerrica caught in transfermation to jem.. i thought it was funny and went with it.. dont tell me what to put on my page.. ill put freaking power rangers up next if i want too.. what do you suggest flying bats and blood bars?

** *LoL* Well, I hope that I haven't been too critical in expressing my analysis of your web page to you. Good luck with your web page. And if you have a few free moments, you might want to check out some web design sites or books, or ask for some advice from those that you know (on-line or off), who are also web designers.**

its not a freaking showcase of merchandise... its a fucking home page.. get over yourself.. whats your URL.. id love to go look at it.. dont see it listed anywhere..

**Oh yes, I almost forgot, it is helpful to add e-mail links to yourself, and links back to your main page, on every single web page that you create. I just thought that I should add that little bit of web wisdom.** ok bitch.. thats why there is a contact page.. and a back button on your browser...

**Take care! ~Miranda~
PS Using "Princess" and "Goddess" before your name on your web page... I think it's quite pretentious and cheesy. "Mistress" is a better one, if you feel the need to have a non-standard prefix before your name. But, that's just in my humble opinion.**