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This is and this chica have been friends since, eeeek,*hehehe* kindergarden. we have been through many a fist fights.. many many boy problems *we always liked the same guy.. NEVER FAILED, like viper, mike, and what the hell was that one guys name? dave? i think that was his name..and the countless others*, we both grew up together, i went my way, she went hers there for a while..*thinking back* god we were inseprable.. i geuss that happens sometimes.. but no matter what or how long we part for we know we've always got each other.. it doesn't matter how "fucked up" i look or how "ghettofied" she gets, we can still go out and hang and have a fucking blast and we will always be friends..its more like Sisters than friends..i guess thats why it doesn't really matter that outwardly we dont "mesh" well... *hugs*