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in Ruins

my life is like a lava lamp...
just when i think im going to reach the top i brake off and become a bubble
what the hell is a bubble?
I guess im a bubble.. i kinda look like one
god you know this poem is probably gonna end up on one of those bad Goth poetry pages,
and im not even fretting.
my best friend is a dick...and my other friends are computer friends.. and my other friends are where i want to be.. together.
right now i have no life...
and one might wonder how could i be happy..
well fuck im not
im just eating my self alive.... i hate my self
i hate my friends... or maybe i should say friend...
i have nothing...
computer friends are great..
but they say ohh im sorry or its gonna be ok
well its not im pissed off
i have no one to vent to
i wanna kill Rachel...
and wow this isn't a poem
im just a bitch
i call my self a goddess... but im not
what am i?
a nothing?
call me not Stacy
call me alcoholic no life having bitch...
god that works
god and now i call on god...
"i swear against god" key quote on honesty...
and now im calling on him..
i need some serious help
this is a ramble,
no one can help me im indestructible,
or so i say..
im just a weakling hiding behind my cigarettes and beer...
speaking of almost out...
gotta run to the store.. HAHAH
maybe ill get in a car wreck
wouldn't that be nice
cant you see im busy
i hate my life
Hey didn't i say that already...
i wish i was dead
i need to get out of Florida and away from all these assholes here
my friend just had a baby I'M supposed to be happy
i hate everyone and everything
i suck point blank
have fun at the point and do fun stuff in the name of Goddess Rainey
i'll never leave this place it sucks you in and makes you stay..
i want a release!
i want a fucking friend i can count on
I want, i want i want, now im selfish
i need my life to be in order
chaos is good, believe me chaos is wonderful,
but now i need organization,
i need a safe place to be
i need love and compassion
something i haven't felt in soo long.
i need to be needed, i want to be needed i need love..
god this poem isn't about love
why does one thing lead to another?
why is fate so important?
why is fate fate?
what if i was never born?
what if i never said what if again?
this is my release and it is horrid..
yeah yeah ohhh shes being sooo goth with this peom
FUCK GOTH, and the ohhh so tragic poetry writers across the world, and FUCK YOU!
why are most men assholes?
why is my best friend a man?
why why why?
things i can never answer things i will never find answers too....
Why ask why?
Why care?
