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ever had a friend that was absolutley and totally platonic? well, lemmie tell ya, it does work..We've been the evil duo for geez umm i think about 7 years now... met in highschool.. and have been friends everysince... We've been through tons of shit..(a whole year fight, well like 9 months of not speaking) and im sure there is tons more to come..but there are sooo many good times that came along with the bad..

like D&D days, *laughs* King Krom and mesotamia, late nights with the guys, the damn 3 day bar-b-que and all the shit that came along with that *including brenda's black eye, the broken door window, and JJ's pussy out from me beating her ass* go home chirs, sickle cell sharizma, rat tooth rico, supertooth sundell, that damn crow leather jacket, jeanie and her stupidity, dez *laughs* what the hell can you even say about her anyways.., Tadpole, oops i meant tara..

I be loving you and i be loving you matty joe :)