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just thinking back..

dave and i go way back.. to when i first found my "gothic roots" he was my dream boi.. the very first person i seen when i walked into the goth club the very first time..*good ol' full circle, gainsville florida, my 18th birthday, my first time in a gothic club, my first time in any club for that matter* There he was, standing talking to a bunch of friends laughing.. its weird the things you can remember. I went to that club for a long time.. always seeing dave.. i actually called him marilyn manson until i met him and asked his name.. gosh, it took me soo long to talk to him, you know the pretty goth boi syndrome.. so perfect, too good to be nice to anyone looking guy, then i did it.. i talked to him *laughs* and then it took no time at all.. we laughed and carried on like 2 school kids.. wow, thinking about it now.. i dont know why it took me so long to befriend him, i think it was like 4 or 5 months that passed before i actually got the nerve to do it, to talk to MARILYN *as i referred to him* to not just "idolize" him but to care about him.. to figure out that he wasn't like most of the pretentious goth kids who wear vinyl and dont know anything about real life.. he was different.. an inspiration to me.. a friend.. pretty soon we were exchanging numbers.. planning car pools to tampa together to *rock* at the castle, we all partied like it was 1999 *laughs* on new years.. we brought in the new year together with the new years "friendship" peck on the cheek.... i miss him.. always a smiling face when ya needed a lift, an ear to chew when ya just had to vent.. this *bloody* zima is for you