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yeah yeah happy fucking new year

the only good thing about new years was the fact that my angel butch came down from atlanta to spend it with me.. thats it.. so here is the damn story of my new year... get ready cuz its long..

ok.. let me just say that fucking new years in YBOR city is the biggest fucking mistake one could possibly make in their whole life... ok.. let me just tell you that if the smell of vomit is your thing then hey more power to ya and enjoy the extravaganza.. but if putrid smells make you want to gag then stay far far away from that shitty place... not to mention that i AM SOOOO FUCKING SICK of plastic people.. i hate hate liars and believe me there are those kinda people who will smile to your face and totally talk shit about you the second you walk away *note in the friends part of my page there is a friend missing*.. ohh i really hate that.. i expecially hate fat ugly old looking bitches *ash says 40, i say 30, but who cares shes only 22) who cant dress worth the damn and cant dance for shit either.. when robert smith said "dance like you couldn't give a further thought of things like feet" he had this ickie bitch in mind.. and i expecially hate when people walk in front of cameras when youre trying to take pictures.. and get offended when i call them a cow! i hate it when they think they are gonna get in my face about it and im forced to tell them where to put it.. but i love when they try to get the mangager of the club i go to all the time to throw me out and the manager laughs at them and says to me "now rainey..don't call people cows..thats not nice" and smiles and walks away... hahahha dont people know i am the gothic joan rivers.. .i am the all powerful bitch of the west or witch of the west or whatever.. *cackels* oh and by the way i fucking hate primus. they are fucking TERRIBLE! now i also truly hate cops... theyd rather see you drive fucking home drunk as fuck then call you a taxi.. and speaking of taxis.. HAHAHAHAH YOU WONT FIND ONE IN YBOR CITY!!!! nope..after the club closed no fucking taxi's any fucking place.. i walked clear to kingdom com to get a ride with these fuck wads from my club and they wanted to put 10 fucking people in a damn cutlas sierra! yeah right.. i dont fucking think so.. hahahahahah oh god so then we walk fucking 5 blocks back to the same no taxi having corner and im just a bitching my life away.. did i metnion that tuesday i had oral fucking surgery and my god damn mouth was fucking killing me? all i wanted was naproxen and a glass of water! yeah well if i failed to tell you all that then wah lah there you go.. add that to the total chaos of the evening and while your at it add about 14 shots of tequilla... finally these hommie g dawgs gave us a ride home to the hotel..they were the nicest fucking guys i ever encountered in my whole fucking life.. *rocking out in cartersville, NC.. thanks so much* ::sings:: YOUR A FINE MUTHA FUCKER Why dontcha back dat ass up.. ho who is you playing why dontcha back dat ass up!!! we finally get home and go to sleep after pigging out on damn nutty buddies, milky ways, stale doritos, and warm dr. pepper... i finally pass the fuck out.. needless to say we didn't check out till 2 o'clock and it was a damn 11am check out time hahah but they didn't say anything to us... i actually woke up in a great mood considering the previous night... i woke up at 11am took a shower and walked a mile around down town tampa.. it was actually quite invigerating.. i love that made me happy.. oh oh oh and i got a new years kiss from this hot ass punk rock guy.. *blows a kiss to joey* heheh but my best friend butch *hi baby* picked him out heheh Butch calls him his boy friend but anyways... yeah so... umm i got a great vnv nation cd and gary numan for really cheap and im sooo diggin this new chick band called kittie those chicks rock much... but enough of my rambling.. have a pleasant afternoon/night what have you.. im off to buy smokes.. *mwahhhhhh* and happy fucking NEW YEARS!!!!!!


and she wore a crown of thorns...yeah you know that bitch with the rose head band.