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Butch's Poor LiL' Nipple

Butch decided he wanted to get his nipple peirced while he was here in FL hanging out..ok so Marchosias was training to be a peircer (which he does wonderful jobs--I was his very first piercing..i got my eyebrow which still looks great today but anyways back to the story)so he said he would do it for like realitivly cheap becuase he had done one nipple it would be good Butch agreed and waited and waited and was finally his turn and we all had to witness it...(wowwie i got to see bitch oops i mean butch shirtless) Marchosais stuck the needle trough...but it was just one of those fluke mistakes and the jewelry wouldn't go threw...ohh Rainey did feel really bad for butchum's poor little was bleeding..and then they had to repierce the same nipple..because thats the one butch wanted Doug (the peircer who did my belly button) redid it for him...his little nipple was sore for a couple of days...but its all better now and he loves his nipple ring..and loves to tell everyone so we dont forget...not like we would

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