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The Psychotic Vetatnam VET

Ok well this is a weird one... if i can recall it was my first trip to Georgia to see my little butch. Well we are sitting at the square.. *meiretta square* and this fucking wack ass guy comes up and starts talking to me, butch and Daniel.. ok wait maybe i should tell you that you could smell the booze on his old stank ass and he was wearing the whole camoflage get up.. he looks at Daniel and mind you with a straight face says to him "hey do you got crabs in your eyebrows?" Butch and me fucking crack up laughing almost falling off the damn bench when the psycho man then adds "Cuz you sure look like a lucky cock sucker to me".. i was like damn this guy is a fucking asshole so we then pawn him off on matt and tara.. where tara has this man fucking bowing down at her feet trying to kiss her boot.. of course if any one knows me they know im a smart ass and i fucuking told him to go the fuck away *as he is ranting about the war and how he got shot in the ass or something* and that no one gave a shit.. and further more i didn't care to get drunk by his breath any more.. He started fucking ranting and raving calling ME a bitch.. *butch was convinced this man was like one of those wacko postal workers and was gonna pull out an oozy and shoot me* so he decided to go get officer donuts to get rid of this wacko man... so me and the Old drunk guy kept bitching at each other.. while all of the skin boys and shit *or i think they are skins* start to get pissed.. they were gonna beat him up but officer donuts came and took the drunk man away... so no one got beat up, but the wacko man fucking stood over by the war statue and staired at us for the the rest of the night talking to himself.. it was a trip and a half..
