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Scharizma's Car FUCKING SUCKS!

Green is such an obnoxious color.. and tonight im feeling obnoxious so i decided to write this adventure.. *what little one it is* in green.

this is what i fucking wonder...why is it everytime i get behind the wheel of scharizma's fucking ride, does it break? Jesus Christ i think its an omen telling me that she sucks too *laughs* no really.. but this is the second time i was driving her car and it broke. The same trouble as well..

Ok maybe i should tell you about the last time this happened.. we were on our way home from tampa.. just got back into Ocala , after i had to hit scharizma in the head cuz she failed to tell me she lost her money after i pumped the gas.. god i hate irresponsible drunks.. well anyways it broke down in front of fucking Wal Mart and we pushed it into the damn parking lot.. this old fucking guy driving a marieta bread truck stops and picks sharizma up and shes just havinga good old time riding arround the damn parking lot chillin eating brownies with this old skummy bastard mean while im fucking calling my GRANDMA *the wicked witch of the west* at 5am beggin her to come get me.. oh did i fail to mention i lost my keys in tampa and didn't realize it till we got back to ocala.. * just in case your wondering they were retrived.. drunkie me left them on the bar at the castle* so any ways i figure fuck while im waiting im gonna lolly gag arround in the Marieta bread truck too and eat some brownies... well.. needless to say the old guy asked for our numbers...go figure huh? I told him flat out that i didn't want to "party"*his words* with an old fuck like him.. Scharizma gave him a fake set of digets... im not that nice...

But back to tonight.. the fucking car breaks down AGAIN!! There is no way im calling my grandma.. not again.. so i decide to walk to my aunts work.. OH and i had to push the damn car off the road again... *some one had to steer and it wasn't me *:(* SO we get it off the road.. and i grab a beer and head fro the bar where my aunt works to get a ride home for us.. well we had to walk a million miles down these dark ass roads with dead animals.. *racoons with their heads cut off.. and guts everywhere* sharizma is bitching about how she cant walk fast cuz her shoes suck so i traded shoes with her.. her feet are 2 sizes bigger than mine so i ended up walking barefooted.. so we finally get there and she calls her mom.. AND HER MOM SAYS " i dont care how you get home.. find a way im not coming to get you and BE HOME NOW!" What a cunt huh? who the hell would leave their kid stranded on the side of the road.. oh well.. anyways so we waited and waited for my aunt to get off work.. and finally got a ride home.. shitty night for us..but we made this plan to rob kentucky fried chicken to get some grub.. knowing my drunk ass was hungry and also we decided to make BARBIE dolls to look like us and do a video with them *laughs* so the night wasn't a total waste.. plus i geuss i did need the exercise.. :)

