BFB -- The Letter...reminds me of Benjamin Franklin taking his letter to England for the last time, before the Revolutionary War Does anyone else get pissed off when their parents sing in the car? you know....I really didn't like BFB at first.....but now it's one of my favorite tunes on Earthling i am thinking all the songs on Earthling are related, DA I STILL think there's a tie-in between IAOA and Repetition I agree least certain groups of them are related i am not sure how Looking For Satellites relates tho *** Bewlay ( has joined #Bowie Hi there boo Bewlay! yes yes yes Ramaona!! :) Pineapple!! * RaMOANa hugs Bewlay and snogs the dwarfman Hehe :) hehehe :p~~~ they are all related in attitutde and theme, but not in a storyline i put them in groups kinda like this: Little Wonder, Dead Man Walking, Last Thing You Should Do uno momenti Looking for Satellites, Telling Lies, Law otay Bew what do you think little wonder is about DA? Battle for Britain, Seven Years in Tibet, IAOA yeah i agree on the last 3 satellites, telling lies and law all seem to be more concerned with sound than meaning * ReggieTheCosmicSpaceFox wonders where fiona went? LW, DMW, and Last Thing all seem autobiographical to a degree agreed DA and the SYIT, IAOA, BFB connections are easy enough to see telling lies is also autobiographical though to some extent yes.....those three groups also tie in with each other.....meshing the entire album as a whole ya true...but could be government telling lies? back again, was busy checking through some stuff no its not government it concerns itself with the fact that so many people look to bowie as some kind of visionary but he's not he's just making stories up and while they have meaning but in the end, he is visionary...he makes u think he knows that he's not prophetic He's not a prophet or a superman ;) oh ah visionary! - its making fun of people who think he knows it all I believe he is well he's telling you he isn't with the song David is an artist - first and last well put but in making us explore, he is visionary David is an artist....the best artists ARE visionaries.....and David is certainly one of the best artists out there Yes, he's an artistic visionary - absolutely its his big 'whatever' to these labels you are giving him i don't know of any other artist that does that * DarkAngel is thinking aobut swapping LW and Telling Lies in his groupings little wonder is a song about drugs and the 7 dwarfs that seems autobiographical to me the 7 dwarves are irrelevant so far away... they are used as a metaphor to his moods sending me so far way so far away I think Little Wonder is just random nonsense....similar to Satellites and Law.......not entirely nonsense....but as a whole is just doesn't mesh....only the individual elements hold any meaning Anyone heard anything bout the San Fran gig? not yet Bew What about LA? i don't think LFS is random nonsese at all he's said it himself jeru...many times.....improved in the studio it could be all that "johnny" is concerned with thats fine...but my point is he's not capable of random nonsense its random nonsense from his perspective In the original I'm afraid of Americans, it was "dummy", not Johnny because he's made things that are so well formulated and compared to those things, yes it is random but in its nature it is not well.....he's trying to give the ILLUSION of random nonsense....while holding a meaning underneath glimpsed in individual lines *** JenS ( has joined #Bowie i'll agree with that DA Hi JenS true da that's what I meant FIONA hi JenS its the same thing that Beck is doing he wants us to look into ourselves setting imagery and moods *** JenS ( has left #Bowie but nothing really makes sense individually... looking for satellites gives me a really wierd image of a bunch of kids about to pass out at a rave until you apply it to the theme i don't think looking for satelllites is meant to be that satirical you're a satellite fiona is talking to vernard and paula from san fran! yay fiona! what is the scoop? "who should we look to now....there's nothing in our eyes" <----- very disillusioned kids wondering what meaning there life might hold....but numbed by their drugs and other diversions yeah da....typical youth he even made up a fake drug for the kids to be taking fantastic show and 50 minutes totally short hair cut david, livelu as ever, saw evan, tura, robotmonster, helen2, aki. its the dissilusionment of the world set forth by the new consciousness of belief in extraterrestrial life and the breaking down of judeau-chrisitian values nah....I think the satellites is merely a metaphor.....not particularly concerned with ET in this tune i agree, da no i think it sums up the entire albumn, let me tell you why alright.....on to Battle for Britain everyone? yep i think the theme of the albumn is the miniscule importance of man, and his pathetic life Battle for Britain...tough one *** Jenns ( has joined #Bowie *** Jenns ( has left #Bowie all accented by LW IAOA DMW TLYSD SYIT it is definitely one of the toughest nuts to crack on the're right Bewlay * ReggieTheCosmicSpaceFox is listening to BFB now so am I.....trying to give it another good once over before discussing it * Fiona fiona is listening to perfume tree and staring at my Atlanta ticket stub longing for previous days i think its the mood set forth by the building tension between America and UK pre-revolutionary war * RaMOANa is listening to BFB too....i still think it relates to the Revolutionary War the starting point of when it all went wrong The song might have a social character i think in general it's the tension between the old world and the new There's a lot of uenmployment, poverty in Britain which carries over today in our new world of information and technology it relates perfectly I think the "don't you let my letter get you down" line is one of the greatest on the disc David's from brixton, BTW, which is ine of the most run-down areas in London 'my letter' i think is a metaphor to the collective consciousness of America towards britain's very much written from almost an American point of opposed to IAOA exactly it all fits *** GayJames ( has joined #Bowie hey James.....we're actually discussing DB tonight It was a stale mate! What about him, Brian? I'll be bacl later...I'm off to get wet ;) bye Kristi! avoid my having to repeat the track.....on to SYIT.....this one's real easy i think the albumn is pretty well calculated, as a whole ooh Earthling! hehehehe *** Fiona has quit IRC (Leaving) wet is good! *** Fiona ( has joined #Bowie Hi, James! ciao for now ciao babeh easy why? Ciao *** Pineapple ( has left #Bowie hi Bewlay! (just asking for your views on it) Hey, I guess Dan has yet to make an appearance tonight? it's more or less straight forward as far as meaning and intent and its meaning/intent? *** Fiona has quit IRC (Leaving) no Daniel, GJ :( Haven't seen him yet, James is .... *** Fiona ( has joined #Bowie *** Fiona has quit IRC (Leaving) thanks RaM and Bew In and out, Fiona obviously the situation in Tibet on the current scale.....but applying to previous and future situations like it everywhere ok, I'm gonna visit the WC for a sec or 180...brb hence the "nothing ever goes away" line * ReggieTheCosmicSpaceFox knows all about in, out, and Fiona ;) i don't see how it relates to the present tibetan situation at all please explain well......the flying pigs are essentially military aircraft....looking at it that way....the "ocher zone" is a corruption of an earlier metaphor for a killing field Well, 7 Yeras in Tibet is inspired by a book which is many years old "all praise to you".......the false words said to avoid your own subjection to the violence * GayJames is returned...and the visit went well! its I praise to you nothing ever goes away.. no one's real sure on that one, Jeru i've seen it transcribed both ways.....either way it could mean the same well, personal i think its 'i praised you' in a spiteful manner i think it deals more with the tibetans being correct in spirituality and these silly judeau-chrisitans fighting all this time all over the wrong god I praise to you... yes... the tibetans have been being massacred since 1949 for thier beliefs and culture......hardly something you can ignore right another example of intolerance the tibetans were right all along in their beliefs onto DMW... exactly jeru....."nothing ever goes away"'s not just Tibet.....and it's not just right now somewhere in the next 50 minutes I'm gonna crash DMW.....alrighty it is on now... ok ok DA i see and i know who's there, when silohuettes fall * ReggieTheCosmicSpaceFox is clueless on DMW, his favorite song on the albumn brb more of the clueless masses? hmmm no i'm not an alien nation in therapy a lot of talk about a somewhat declined society........similar to IAOA ya DA dead man is again, the collective consciousness of the world anyone ever actually visted Atlantic City.....hehehe walking is when they awaken to the alien spirituality LOL i think Outside has a similar theme as earthling well...Quicksand... knowledge comes with death's release its all about our goddamn starving life, and how it will change when our civilization is revamped due to alien arrival Earthling is almost a sonic portrait of a world just before the events of Outside I think exactly DA you're hung up on this aliean thing aren't you jeru hung up? no... yeah jeru...i don't get that at all from E i just think that its where spirtuality has shifted okay....just wondering *** Fiona ( has joined #Bowie it IS where it has shifted belief in aliens automatically questions all judeau-chirstian bibles FIONA i don't get into fiction not neccessarily just messes up the fundamentalists is all why would bowie after all these years stop talking about outser space i want certainty..hehe it isn't shit i am not saying it is...but it is knowledge not certainty it has been a FOMA, as kurt vonnegut would put it hey....we'll get to Law soon enough....just chill have you all read that book? fiona is leaving and going to sleep, very tired, bye DMW's still playing fiona... yeah true DA....but it all relates ....even to some of his other stuff, like Quicksand bye fiona yeah I know RaM.....I think there's a very good reason he chose the old songs he chose for the tour....with the exception of a few fun ones ok....onto Telling Lies alright.....onto Tealling Lies personal sidenote: I HATE this mix of it through the chromosomes of space & time bad infection....resurrection...hmmm might Telling lies have just been filler? the whole thing touches on this warped messiah like character in a way.....kinda funny yeah... I'm the future, I'm tomorrow, I'm the end....telling lies religion corrupted by the greed of those who are in charge what is better, 1800 Collect, or 1800 call att ? att "starting fires".....what was that about war earlier? *** amanda ( has joined #Bowie 16,4 CLONES DETECTED : #Bowie  12,1<12,1<-14,114,1NE15>12,1>  CLONES:  GayJames & amanda  Address:  *!* _________________________________________ Press 16,4CTRL + 16,4F2 To Kick Ban All Clones *** amanda ( has left #Bowie HI AMANDA! not sure, DA but have that mention of the "new" world I was reffering to the "chromosomes of space & time" HI AMANDA! Hello reminds me of a Televangilist I'm having computer problems. new/ *** Candi ( has joined #Bowie Last Thing You Should Do is up is there a theme! I SINK SO! yeah same here DA... where is candi? *** amanda ( has left #Bowie from vancouver i think we're within ten seconds of each other RaM I'm Here..Break out the booze HI CANDI! Hiya GJ nobody loves or nobody laughs anymore? "nobody laughs's the worst thing you can do" it's the safest thing to do "loves" to my ears YEAH! a growing dis-memberment from personal interaction brought on by the onslaught of new technologies and ways of doing things like this chat for instance......we don't really meet any more in person he said member... take that to an extreme level and you're in trouble meat me at Mardi Gras, babeh LOL I met Daniel in several ways, DA!!! it's a cry of dispair as to the way things are going......while at the same time having no choice but to embrace that new direction least it's safe sex it's the safest thing to do... * GayJames is so cold * RaMOANa is so cold... * Candi have cold feet yeah! IAOA ok...onto IAOA damn....we're right on time RaM and I have beat that one to death in here yes....we certainly have haven't we RaM u already know my views huh DA? IAOA is not about guns it is the "guns in their heads" low tech.....again the emphasis on new/old "I'm afraid I can't help it"......throughout we see this idea of.....I don't want to do it...but I have to we are doomed to walk in that death march like I was reffering to about the despair and simultaneous embrace of new things in Last Thing It's about being afraid of McDonalds restaurants that too Candi....and more notice.....he uses "low tech" in connection with the same thing as "God" all over again johnny looks up at the stars... What is this.....Phyco analysis 101? Psyco even but then all he does is comb his hair and want pussy in cars looks up at the stars, looking for satellites in this alien nation in therapy yay DA! he does the things that he can do......but is out of control about so many things he is a dead man walking.. I think mebbe you guys are over interpreting things here perhaps Candi..but we are seeing a correlation of all the songs on Earthling "Up until recently the idea was that we were going SOMEWHERE....that the idea was that things were going to get better somehow....but by now that idea has virtually disappered.....and that's why the body has given us a new canvas.....because information comes at us so voraciously....we turn the things we can control" --- DB, Breakfast with Bowie in Atlanta (paraphrased) * Bewlay is back as i said b4, we have to look to the message Bowie s just an "older" man trying to look at the world through young peoples eye sure i get a little bit afraid... "sure I get a little bit afraid...sometimes" LOL LOL QIS he's not doing a bad job of it but I still think he's comming at it from outside I think that says it all on the contrary....I think he's more in touch with it than some of my fellow youngsters DA is kewl.. he is more in touch with it, more than me, he has earned superman status Well..I think that would be because he has a wealth of experience to draw are still trying to find out about the world "as he hits the floor he sighs 'what a morning'" yeah but if u look at what he did 20/30 years ago, he was already touching it, Candi Some people eveolve earlier than others also In his youth he actually had something to rebel against now . kids are rebelling for rebelling sake I don't think they know why as they were in the 70's... as far as I'm concerned songs like Cygnet Committe showed a view for things to come long before any others saw it (also one of my favorite tracks by the way) kids never know what they're rebelling against.....they either learn what it is and keep rebelling.....or forget about it and end up becoming their parents hmmm I don't think thats' true DA "And I want to the madness they call now......and I want to believe there's a light shining through somehow".......those lyrics could've fit on earthling hehehe....just thinking about that