#IMAN buffer saved on Fri Jan 08 15:51:34 1999 along Thank you Iman, for taking care DB! - I can tell he is so happy and it's down to you! :) Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear darling, Happy Birthday to you Do you and DB ever have a row and if so, who usually wins? (Or is it a case of playing "Listen to Iman, Dahling" on the speakers, til he relents? 28LaughingGnome says:r nHi Iman and welcom to the wackiness! I was wandering how much you knew of David Bowie before you met him? Where you a fan? Yes, I've always been a fan of David's music and actually been to all his concerts since I arrived in America in 1976 but I have never went backstage, I have been invited to go backstage but we all know why girls like me are invited backstage! So I never went 28Valeria says:rnwhen did you meet him first? I met David in Los Angeles in 1990 as I was coming late to see his show I believe it was Sound & Vision and he actually stopped and said hello and invited me again backstage! But I didn't go 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnIman - Can you think of a particular CD that you might want to hear on occasion that would wind David up? - And what would he play for revenge? "In My Solitude" by Anthony Newley and "In Revenge" Spice Girls Pick any of the songs, any of them! Does DB cook for you and if so, what does he make? 28RaMOANa says:rnDoes DB cook for you and if so, what does he make? Yes, David does cook occasionally. He boils water very well and sometimes burns it! lol If he goes for a full meal, I have to spend the rest of the evening cleaning up the mess including the meal 28Bianca says:rnHow was it to play in the Star Treck movie and are you a Star Treck fan yourself Iman? It was lots of fun and outrageous. I have to admit kissing William Shatner was not fun. But what he loved best was when I morphed into him and he loved kissing himself! 28Miriamsbirthdaytoo says:rnIman who is the most funniest at home? By far, David. But he's not really funny, he's just plain silly and that's the reason I married him. It's cabaret, cabaret, cabaret! Do you and DB ever have a row and if so, who usually wins? (Or is it a case of playing "Listen to Iman, Dahling" on the speakers, til he relents?) 28grazia says:rndo you think you will not come to live in Europe anymore with David? I'm sure this will happen some time. We both love Europe very much. 28amalgam1 says:rnhave you had any more tattoos, and if so where? Yes, I have had one for his birthday, just yesterday, but it will be a surprise - photos will be up soon! 28Nadsat says:rnWhat is it like to be married to the man who shares the same birthday as Elvis? Elvis who? 28lydia says:rndo you love italy? Ciao Lydia. Mi piace e adoro Italia preferisco Firenze. 28Isabel says:rnhow was it like to kiss Michael Jackson? I don't remember kissing him. We barely touched lips, if you play the video very slowly, you will see that. I swear. LOL 28squeakie says:rnIman do you have any dark secrets ? I am a dark secret. 28Dara says:rnWho would really win in a fight between you and Rosie O'Donnell ? LISTEN TO IMAN DAHLINK You don't even have to wonder. Rent "Exit to Eden" if you dare and have the stomach. In our fight scene, I beat the hell out of her! I may be skinny, but I'm vicious and I fight dirty. 28Dodo says:rnDo you ever fight with your husband? Do you and DB ever have a row and if so, who usually wins? (Or is it a case of playing "Listen to Iman, Dahling" on the speakers, til he relents? As often as we can. And very dirty, too! lol 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnDo you have to nag David to stop leaving his paints, glue, scissors, glitter and sticky-back paper all over the lounge floor? That was PAINTS not PANTS by the way. Yes, I nag, nag, nag, both paints and pants. But nobody listens! 28Gilly says:rncan you please explain the frog on your christmas card! It seems that every time something important has happened in our lives, there's been a frog there. David says it's Total Blam Blam spying, but I don't believe that. i think it is a french reference! 28KelMar666 says:rnwhe n was the last time you painted bowie's toenails? what colour? does he paint yours? Last time I painted Bowie's nails, it was the 'Earthling' tour. I gave him an Iman nail polish called 'Jaguar'. And he did paint my toenails, just this morning. I won't tell you with what 28Skyler says:rnIman do you ever cook for David? If so, what is his favorite dish? Yes, I cook everyday for David. And his favorite dish is osso bucco. 28Valeria says:rn Iman, is David having a party right now? ... without you?!! David said he'd be coming along here soon. So do you call this a party?! But with you guys out there, it will be. 28jung says:rnWhat is osso bucco? I haven't a clue, I just cook it! 28Dara says:rnHave you met Tony Blair, and if so, what did you think of him? Yes, I have met both Cherie and Tony Blair. They're both wonderful, warm, intelligent, generous with their time. Enough 28Chrystelle says:rnIm an, how is your makeup company going? Thank you for asking. But Iman Cosmetics is doing very well. We are now international as you know. UK, France, Spain, soon in Brazil. But we're aiming big - New Jersey's next! 28Isabel says:rnwhat do you think about Ziggy Stardust and the spiders They ALWAYS wore my make-up. 28Tybalt says:rnhow are you typing? aren't yer nails like 14 feet long or somethign? How did you know that? I have my own professional typist with me and I don't go anywhere without her. 28Mattie says:rnIman, come to Australia. We need you down here. And while you're at it bring David along and convince him to play a few concerts down here. Thanks for the invite. Are we coming to stay with you? I have never been to Australia and David has always promised to take me there. What should I see? 28VernardsAphexx says:rnWhats it like towering over little David???? We're the same height at night! 28Arahael says:rnin self defense, what would be your weapon of choice? My fourteen foot long nails and a good publicist and lawyer! 28amalgam1 says:rncan you name three famous Belgians? Magritte, Jacques Brel and you. Would you mind if I were your towel girl in Bermuda so I could hang out with you and DB? 28KelMar666 says:rnNo one else has the courage to answer this: does david go commando? When he comes in, I'll check. Would you mind if I were your towel girl in Bermuda so I could hang out with you and DB? 28Valerius says:rnSo, do you still have your house in Ireland? What's it like? We've never had a house in Ireland, but my mother thinks we do. Would somebody please tell her. 28ziggy29 says:rniman quando vieni in italia Subito amore. 28Bianca says:rnWhere are you right now, Iman? New York? On a chair, in a snowstorm in New York. 28Valerius says:rnLOL -- I'll tell the reporters as well that reported David bought you a 3.5 million mansion as a wedding gift. WHERE IS IT?? Does David give good spankings? 28Blay says:rnIman, is your husband an Internet addict? What do you do to make him go offline? It's very easy.. 28Dodo says:rnDo you always follow David on tour? Yes, I go as often as I can on tour with him. 28TwigTheWonderKid says:rnWhat model can't you stand? All of em 28LaughingGnome says:r nCan we hear your version of the "First Date"? I'm embarrassed to report that it was a blind date set up by a hairdresser! It was nerve wracking at the beginning, the first five minutes, but we got along very famously and we have been together since then. But not the first night. 28Zardoz says:rnCan you touch your nose with your tongue? No but David can. Anytime I want. 28Valerius says:rnso, Iman....do you shut David up in his own room when he smokes? Or do you make him stand outside? If so, even in a snowstorm? Yes, I make him stand outside. But I take heart - not during a snowstorm. It might actually put his cigarett e out. 28jung says:rnWhat is your earliest memory? What can you tell us about Somalia? My earliest memories of Somalia was the beautiful beaches. Somalia is a peninsul a. It is 3/4's on the Indian ocean and I remember those beautiful beaches. Is "as big as a baby's arm holding an apple", an accurate description? 28Gilly says:rndid you ever smoke yourself? Only when I'm burning. 28squeakie says:rnDo you have any siblings? Yes, two brothers and two sisters. What is your daughter like? what does she do? 28Mattie says:rnIman, do you ever listen to "The Laughing Gnome" and just sit there thinking "Oh why, David? Why?". LOL lol 28jung says:rnWhat were your 1st impressions of New York, America, England, Paris, wherever? I'll give you my first impression of New York. I arrived in October 1975 to what was supposed to be the Metropolis. And there was a garbage strike. There was garbage everywhere. And I thought this is New York? It looks worse than any village in Africa. At least we keep them clean!. But I got used to the dirt 28amalgam1 says:rnWhic h is your least favourite of David's hairdos? The ones that look like hairdos. 28Nadsat says:rnDoes david ever punce about the room screaming--"I am Spartacus ! I am Spartacus. Give me your little chicken bones as I have slayed the children of babylon!" Yes, he actually just said it this morning. Were you in the room? 28Bonster1 says:rnWhat did you think of the Mohawk? Question really is, what did the Mohawk think of him? 28Bianca says:rnHow was it to meet Nelson Mandela with David? I was thrilled. Awe inspired. It was one of the great days of my life. 28saturn says:rnThe first time I heard blk tie white niose my heart started to sing, it made me think about having love in my life. That's very sweet. 28Chrystelle says:rnIm an, what do you think of the internet generation? Very alive and very necessary. 28LaughingGnome says:r nI heard a rumor that you are gonna play Storm in an X-Man movie with Patrick Stewart! Is that true? That would be great! I haven't heard that, but I'd love to. 28Zardoz says:rnI heard that you and David are giuesting on 'Eastenders' That's our favorite show. We watch it religiously. David a little more religiously than me. But we've not yet had the honor to be invited. We both think Grant is guilty. 28Dodo says:rnDo you have an internet site on your own? No I don't, do you think I should have one? yes please! And plus, what kinds of things should I put on it? recipes! 28Tybalt says:rnWhat do you think about OJ Simpson? Guilty or not guilty? Oh that is so 20th century. 28NICO says:rnI have to admit you are the only person David has been with where being a fan and all ...I am not jealouse and I think you make a wonderful couple and you seem to be very happy and I am glad..ohh that was scary! i didn't think I would ever say that *S* Thank you ever so much. It's very sweet of you and I'm glad you said it. 28WickedWench says:rnY ou could sell make-up and proffer comments you might have regarding your favorite charities... 4Thank you for taking care DB! - I can tell he is so happy and it's down to YOU! :) Big hello to Dungarees! 28DBowiegyrL says:rnHo w long did you and David date? Nine years. Do you have to punish Dungarees sometimes? Oh! Look who's arrived! All disshelved and covered in snow! 28squeakie says:rnIman , are you a fan of Placebo I only got into them with this new album of theirs. But the slow songs are really beautiful. CHECK OUT THE COMMANDO QUESTION, QUICK! 28KelMar666 says:rnis he going commando? Hold on. Let me check oooooo Yes he's Commando! ! And it's obviously really cold outside! LOL LOL End of #IMAN buffer Fri Jan 08 15:51:34 1999 Moderator> Happy Birthday David David: Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! Now get me a towel woman! Get your own! 4HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! - Many happy returns of the day 28squeakie says:rnwoul d you ever go to a Bowie Convention I live with one! Did you get the bday greeting (pic of you and DB) I made for him? David: Hi Dungarees! Are you all nice and warm? Twix. 28WickedWench says:rnW hich do you prefer: Hershey's Milk Chocolate or Twix? Twix 28LaughingGnome says:r nMaybe David could give you a piece of Bowie-Net to put up stuff! There's plenty of room, right Ron? Tee hee What do you think DB? He might charge me! 28JoniVeSadd says:rnwh at do you think of the furby David: I suggest you go to my site of the day for a whole new look of this Furby phenomenon. 28Skyler says:rnIman, I like the photos you take of David, post them all on Bowienet. Thank you. I will put some more up. I have been using the Sony Digital camera recently. But as you all know, he's very difficult to photograph and impossible to sit still. But there are some new ones coming up. get some more of him sleeping! 28eden7 says:rnWould you post a picture of you and David making snow angels? David: Snow Angels. mmmmmm Is it in the Karma Sutra? 28Nadsat says:rnI am a furbie.. I've learned english and nadsat is typing for me If you and DB could go to the Queen Vic, what drink would you order? David: All is forgiven. But do go home soon. 28Roose says:rnWHY DOESN'T ANYONE EVER TALK TO ME? Come on honey...what do you want to ask? 28Bonster1 says:rnoh my you people think of nothing but ssex, sex, sex And more sex! If you and DB could go to the Queen Vic, what drink would you order? 28ziggy29 says:rnwhat is the best gift you have received today?? David saysRefer to Bonster 28Roose says:rnTODAY IS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY AND I WAS WONDERING IF DAVID WAS GOING TO BE ON SO I CAN WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRHTDAY Happy Birthday Roose. Nothing misses my magic eyes, sorry eye 28liset says:rnDavid, do you speak Dutch? David: Dutch is my second language. Can you wish Miriamsbirt hdaytoo a happy birthday? 28Zygote says:rnwhat do you think of mp3`s David? David: I would never dream of ordering a Rio and if it comes in the post over the next couple of days, I certainl y won't open it because downloading tracks from the internet is illegal and you'll get warts... 28Shelric says:rnIman, any chance that you'll get a hair style like Gail Ann Dorsey? What hairstyle?! But love those horns... She's a beautiful girl - she doesn't need hair 28Chrystelle says:rnIm an and David: What do you think of the Y2K problem? David: It's 1999's answer to 1998's Clinton problem and 1997's OJ problem. I am already sick to death of it and it's only January the 8th! 28DBowiegyrL says:rnWo uld you accept the position of ambassador of your country would you accept it? Unfortunately, there is no government in Somalia now so my interests would only be as a humanist. Although I would like to be an Ambassador to Somalia if it would help. 28Paoola says:rnIs David a real Latin Lover? A Dutch speaking, Latin lover, in reality. 28KelMar666 says:rnDoe s David leave the seat up in the loo? All men do what type of fish does DB catch and does he clean them as well? 28VernardsAphexx says:rn do you and david ever go for a Down to Earth Hamburger and a Milkshake in some ol' diner in New York???? do you and david ever go for a Down to Earth Hamburger and a Milkshake in some ol' diner in New York???? David: To be quite honest, we live a compartively low profile life nearly everyday. We'll eat in a cute looking restaurant if we want to. We'll walk wherever we want to and we try to be part of the city we are living in. But we would never dream of eating in a down to earth hamburger. Eating beef is not fun 28Skyler says:rnDavid, if you could have a pet what would it be and what would you name it? Rodney the rat does not count :) I love dogs, especially Chocolate Labs. 28squeakie says:rnIMAN have you learned a lot from David A little too much, if you ask me... and I still got a long way to go. 28Raven says:rnIman, what is the most romantic thing David ever did for you? When he proposed in Paris in October on the Sienne. He rented a boat and it was a total surprise, I had no idea and we had a chef, a piano player and every time we went under one of the bridges, the lights would come up and he got on his knees and proposed to me. David: And then I got back down on my knees again.. 28Bianca says:rnAre you into art yourself like David is and what are your favourite painters? Basquiat, Bearden, Offili and I suppose I better throw a white one in! Auerbach. one moment please 28Gilly says:rnwhat was the last movie you saw, that you really enjoyed? Life Is Beautiful. I cried...it was very touching and very beautiful. 28WickedWench says:rnW hat was your favorite part in Exit to Eden? Finishing it getting the hell out of there 28squeakie says:rnDo you and David ever get bothered by people because you are an interracial couple? Yes, sometimes, we have had people we would pass in the street and be offensive. But I must admit, we are more protected because of who we are. I'm sure the average inter-racial couples have it much tougher. 28Dara says:rnDavid: My son Paddy wants you to stop telling people he's a transvest ite David: Then he should stop telling people his name's Paddy 28Paoola says:rnDid you like "Il mio west, Iman? David: It's not come out yet over here. I understand it's only playing in Italy. What it's like Paola? 28spaceface says:rndid your family object because david was white? No, my family did not object. But obviously, they would have preferred me to marry a Somalian but they're very happy for me and David as they are aware and see we are very much in love. 28Bonster1 says:rnIts #2 in Italy, but the reviews are so so David: Is it in Italian or English, Bonster? 28Paoola says:rnDavid is wonderful, but the movie is not my favourite, anyway I like the Jack Sikora gang! David: I did not write this comment myself. 28WiggyCarrust says:rn Hey, Iman, what does David think of music censorship? David: I'll answer for Iman on this one. I think it's absolutely necessary and I look forward to the day when there is no more music pollutin g our airwaves.....whoops! Wrong Answer! Living in a Democracy, you must accept the premise of a Democracy, which is no censorship. This sometimes makes it very hard to live with negative opinions, but it's the system that we have decided to adopt. Where's that tell? Moderator> 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rn"Me I hope that I'm crazy, I feel you driving - and you're only the wheel" - Can you name the song Iman? David says it's called 'Win'. 28Blay says:rnIman, do you think we're nuts? What do you think? Delightfully so! 28Arahael says:rnDavid , what would you do if the 80's returned???? David: Embrace it with all my love, but burn the clothes! David - When will we get to see Everybody Loves Sunshine and Exhuming Mr. Rice in the States? 28KelMar666 says:rnwhi ch one of you drives the fastest? Yes, I am definitely the fastest. David: She drives like a bat out of hell! I fear for my life everytime I get in the car. Iman: Mind you, not mine! 28spaceface says:rndo you and david have an 'our song'? "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green 28Earthling7 says:rnDa vid, did you always know that you were going to be a rock star or did you have doubts? Yes, either a rock star or a rock. Sometimes the two are indistinguishable. Remember, I am an island...! 28LaughingGnome says:r nScared of Getting on a Serious Note, But I really am so thankful to you both for allowing yourself to be so excessible. There are many people I know that don't understand the obsession with B-Net, but are at the same time envious, cause they can't access their favorite artist! So, thanks You're welcome, dear.! 28spaceface says:rnwha t music turned you on as a teenager? and now? Believe it or not, it has always been Al Green. I think I have been seduced with Al Green songs all my life. David: Only one successfully. 28Skyler says:rnDavid and Iman, what do you do to relax? Painting, needlepoint? Both. Paint and needlepoin t. 28Dara says:rnDo you still listen to much Harry Partch? her happy bday? David: That's amazing, Dara, that you've even heard of Harry. I still have a lot of his albums which I play from time to time. I understan d that he has his own followers now in California that have restored his old instruments and have assembled a Harry Parch Orchestra. I do recommen d Harry's work to anyone who's never heard of him. He was way before his time and created his own instruments. 28saturn says:rnWhen is Iman's b-day. July 25, 1955. David: That's now what you told me? You said you were 18! 28Paoola says:rnIman, detto tra noi donne, stasera "notte di fuoco" per festeggiar e? Si Paoola! Notte difuoco! David says: The Iceman Cometh....LOL 28liset says:rnIman, have you ever been to Holland? and do you like it? Yes I have been to Holland many times and I like it very much. Actually, we both love Amsterdam. So romantic and hip. 28Bianca says:rnWho was your favourite designer with whom you worked, Iman? My favorite designer has always been Azzedine Alaia. 28Isabel says:rnDavid do you know that Iman in portuguese means magnet? David: No, I don't. Tell me. 28DBowiegyrL says:rndo you ever get nervous when you have to wear revealing clothes on the catwalk? Does David mind? David: I only get nervous when she wears revealing clothes in the bedroom. In fact, if she wears any clothes in the bedroom. 28Valerius says:rnDid you know that Iman in Webster's dictionary is translated as "Queen"? David: So she's the Magnet Queen or Queen Magnet! *** Braun (milank@DPA) has left #IMAN 28Bonster1 says:rnIman , didnt you actually retire from modeling before you and David got together? Yes, I retired from modeling way before I met David. So he's never known me as a model Only privately! 28Zygote says:rnIman, what would you do to David if he was unfaithful? I'll kill him!! 28Gilly says:rnwould you wear JP Gaultierīs dresses? Yes, any day. I love JP Gaultier's clothes and I adore him as a person. He's funny, witty, charming and very very on the edge. But also my other favorties are Thierry Mugler, Issaey Miyake, Donna Karan and anybody who would give me free clothes...! End of #IMAN buffer Fri Jan 08 16:34:26 1999 Moderator> 28DBowiegyrL says:rnDo es David still have those funky (but kewl)clothes from the 70's? David: You'd be amazed at the amount of stuff I still have from the past. I've been talking with some people recently about where we could show it as I still have all the important clothes designed by Kansai Yamamoto and the mysterious Freddie Burretti. And of course those original stack boots. 28grazia says:rnwhat do you think of Reeves? David: Personally, I like him, but I think you meant Iman to answer this question. He's a teddy bear but he wouldn't want that to leak out. 28KelMar666 says:rnDoe s david have any friends you don't let come over? Yes, and they know who they are! 28Nadsat says:rnWhat do you think of the whole, marilyn manson - ziggy stardust appropriation??? David: Believe it or not, I'm bemused by it but I'm also quite flattered by it. It's amazing that what I was doing 25 years ago is still having some effect and I think he's getting away with it quite well, don't you? We're off for our birthday rest of day, so we'll just take 5 more questions. 28Dara says:rnDo you sing about Boyzone in Looking For Satellites, David? Or is it Boys Own? David: Actually, I was singing about Boy's Own Paper which was a comic that I used to read when I was around 13. I only found out later it was also the name of a group. End of #IMAN buffer Fri Jan 08 16:39:31 1999 28Rico says:rnhow well does David knows Bono and are you guys good friends? David: I know Bono quite well. He's a very nice guy and always sends me rather lovely books. And I recommend paintings to him. 28jung says:rnhow does iman spend her time when david is holed up in the studio? I have a real life, folks.! I have a cosmetic company to run. So we both work equally hard. But I do bring lunch! 28Raven says:rnIman, will you come back to visit us again with David? You are a really fun guest :) I would love to. Thank you for inviting me. David: Why do men have nipples? Iman: Oh shut up! 28spaceface says:rnwhe re are you two off to now?, dinner? alone? with friends? A nice quiet dinner with the closest of friends. But I expect Reeves will be coming too. 28Mattie says:rnCan I go back to bed yet? David: I should if I were you, Mattie. We're off any second now. David: Alot of you also have birthdays today, so I want to wish a really, really Happy Birthday back at you all. Don't catch cold, and if you do, please read my Journal of January the 1st! As my friend Coco turned me on to some sure fire remedies from China! Please wish MIRIAM a HAPPY BDAY! Bye Bye everyone! Chat with you next time! ta and thanks David says: Bye bye everyone. Probably see you in a half hour! Love you all. Goodnight! Thank you all. goodnight End of #IMAN buffer Fri Jan 08 16:44:58 1999