Host Moderator says: good afternoon from London Host Moderator says: fine, thank you Host Moderator says: yes, you are! Host Moderator says: the weather in London is fine, thank you! Host Moderator says: Kipsy says: Am I in the right place for the Bowie/ Boy George chat? Host Mod2 says: hi Host Mod2 says: you guys all set on your side? "Electric Warrior" is away: quick sandwich "Boy George" (outside2@DPA) has joined the conversation. squeakie says: BOY Mod2 is away: be back "Electric Warrior" has returned. Mod2 has returned. Host Mod2 says: hi Host "Electric Warrior" says: hey TBB Host "Electric Warrior" says: hi Helen Host "Electric Warrior" says: good day Paul Host "Electric Warrior" says: what priority???? Host "Electric Warrior" says: hi Jan Host "Electric Warrior" says: bouncin' back and forth Host "Electric Warrior" says: between rooms Host "Electric Warrior" says: sure Bonnie Host "Electric Warrior" says: bring out the studly-ness in me.............. Host "Electric Warrior" says: sure - why not Mod2 is away: be back Host "Electric Warrior" says: but I will probably win the contest - and there is that clause - "employees and family are not eligable..........." Host "Electric Warrior" says: whenever Howard or Tina posts it Host "Electric Warrior" says: I gave him one Host "Electric Warrior" says: but what if I win Ty???????? Host "Electric Warrior" says: what if they do? Host "Electric Warrior" says: and noone else gets any votes!!!!!! Host "Electric Warrior" says: I've got a stack right here Host "Electric Warrior" says: now that's a challenge - and side contest within it self Host "Electric Warrior" says: stack of Hot BN mouse pads Host "Electric Warrior" says: check the Bowie Store next week Host "Electric Warrior" says: but I got to put my kids through college Host "Electric Warrior" says: the mousepad plan.............. Host "Electric Warrior" says: is that Tanx or tanx squeakie has returned. squeakie says: BRIAN MOLKO IS MY BROTHER Host "Electric Warrior" says: Tanx in the way of an underrated T.Rex album Host "Electric Warrior" says: NO WAY!!!!!!!1 Host "Electric Warrior" says: I'll have to check it out squeakie says: well go here and tell me he's not Host "Electric Warrior" says: Bolan coming back from beyond Host "Electric Warrior" says: gee - those are my same...........measurements!!!!!!!!!!!!! Host "Electric Warrior" says: King of Socks! Host "Electric Warrior" says: I heard 1 song Mod2 has returned. Host "Electric Warrior" says: was I polite Jan Host Mod2 says: bout 3 minutes now squeakie says: im afraid to say anything Host Moderator says: OK, 3 mins to go Host "Electric Warrior" says: good Jan squeakie says: Hello Ron Host "Electric Warrior" says: it's a mix Host "Electric Warrior" says: hi SQ Host Mod2 says: let's do it "David Bowie" has returned. Host Moderator says: ready to go? squeakie says: Brian Molko is my BROTHER Host "David Bowie" says: Hi Everybody! And George a big welcome to you to the BowieNet Family! Host "Boy George" says: Boy George: Hello Back from me! Host "David Bowie" says: Gosh I see you're on form today, George! squeakie says: Do we start now? Host "David Bowie" says: George, as you're our guest, I give you first choice - you can pick the first question. Host Moderator says: Rupert says: Is your head ok george? Host "David Bowie" says: Again? Host "Boy George" says: I'm surprised Rupert knows about. My head is fine I got knocked down a set of stairs on Friday but I'm fine now. I've got a strong head - I was out of control, it was a scary session. Host "David Bowie" says: George, does that give you inspriation for songs, that kind of incident? squeakie says: "Do you Really Want to Hurt meee?" Host Mod2 says: Gilly says: did you guys meet up at the brits last week? Host "Boy George" says: The worst thing about it is I don't remember it happening and I've decided to stop drinking now. I don't remeber being there I don't remember being drunk. It's not very glamous. Host "Boy George" says: Yes we did very briefly. squeakie says: George what was it like touring with the band again after all these years? Host "David Bowie" says: George was floating on high when I saw him. Were you getting ready to go on stage at the time, George? Host "Boy George" says: I was yest, I was getting ready to going to present the dance award to Fatboy Slim. Host "David Bowie" says: That's a nice album, Fat Boy Slim Host "Boy George" says: He's amazing Fatboy Slim, he used to be in the House Martins - quite an amasing thing. Host "Boy George" says: Where have you been for the last 15 years? I don't do shit! squeakie says: George what was it like touring with the band again after all these years? Host Mod2 says: ramsey says: Hi George, just wanted to say I saw your concert in Philly last year and it was great. Kick-ass rendition of Starman Host "David Bowie" says: I'll interupt there and say that I'm absolutely knocked out that George is doing Star Man and why did you pick that particular song? Host "Boy George" says: Well for about the last 10 years I have been doing different songs of yours in my set - Suffraget City, Queen Bitch and currently, Starman. Host "Boy George" says: No I'm not an early period person. Host "David Bowie" says: So you're an early period person, are you? squeakie says: George would you say that your biggest influence is Bowie? Host "Boy George" says: I should say I got into David's music when I was 13. I saw him at Lewisham Odean on a Ziggy Tour and I still love the music he's making now. Host "Boy George" says: I think that answers that. Host Mod2 says: kizmee says: George, your gonna be in my home town Hannover soon, Are you gonna play only old songs or new ones also? squeakie says: ooo got it Host "Boy George" says: Yeh, whenever we tour we always do a selection of oldies and current stuff. You have to do the old ones otherwise people hate you. I think I'm as guilty as any other pop fan because when I go and see my favourite stars I want to hear something I know as well. Host Mod2 says: Bonster says: wow, George is psychic! he answers the question before it's asked ;) Host "David Bowie" says: We have the strangest set up. As well as having our own personal limousines waiting in the room, George and I both have a bevy of typists who are competing against each other to see who can get the answre up first. In different cities. Some times, the replies are getting out before the questions. This should make for a very bizarre transcript. Host "David Bowie" says: I'm putting this up for you George. Host Mod2 says: "Total Blam Blam" says: Your Express column gives me the horn, but do you actually write it yourself - Or is it all a big con like David's Mirrabelle column in the 70's? Host "David Bowie" says: I didn't Host "Boy George" says: I do write it myself. I didn't know David did a Mirabell column in the 70's. squeakie says: do you and brian molko swap makeup tips? Host "David Bowie" says: I had a girl working for me called Cherry Vanilla and I just told her to go ahead and write my journal for me on a weekly basis. So she just wrote about what she did all week and put my name to it. so I was going to everything from underground movies in SoHo to fashion shows in Manhattan Host "David Bowie" says: and while I was toiling away in Oslo or something. squeakie says: do you and brian molko swap makeup tips? Host "David Bowie" says: But George, do you find time to write your column every week or do you cram it in when you can? Host "Boy George" says: Sometimes it's a real panic and I'v missed a few deadlines but somehow or other I've always managed to get it there. Host "David Bowie" says: I've missed weeks at a time on my journal and I have no excuses. squeakie says: BAD BOY! Host "David Bowie" says: I thought that I would fictionalize a journal at one point and write a months worth of days in advance. Host "David Bowie" says: But that never panned out either. Host "David Bowie" says: Your call Host Mod2 says: VernAphexWINDOWLICKER says: Whats it like to be known as DJ Boy George now, and what do u get from being a DJ? Host Moderator says: VernAphexWINDOWLICKER says: Whats it like to be known as DJ Boy George now, and what do u get from being a DJ? Host "Boy George" says: Nice name Windowlicker, what does it mean? Yes I love DJ'ing - but lately its starting to get a little bit like doing pop concert. When I started it, it was during a lull in my career and people kind of let me get on with it but now they drive me insane!!! 28hank says:rnWould George like to be a judge in the speedo contest? Speedos are skimpy swimming trunks and I don't look very good in them. You were asked to judge the contest not to wear them, George. However, George would have to battle it out with Tybalt and Total Blam Blam who I believe are the current judges. Is this true? I think speedos have something to do with beaches, swimming pools and fit-bods - so leave me out. 28Tybalt says:rnWe're gonna open up the judging to the ENTIRE bowienet community I plan to wear them on my head, can I enter? Diplomatic discretion there Tybalt I don't understand all this speedo stuff actually. Whatever happened to the feather boa? 28Genoa says:rnBoy, in italy we have recently seen Velvet Goldmine. Did you see it? If so, what do you think of it? I saw Velvet Gold mine and I thought it was an insult to my youth. I sat in the cinema tutting throughout and thought they got it completely wrong. American's shouldn't make movies about British culture. Definitely not enough shopping in it. 28Picadilly says:rnGeorge..What are you wearing right now? I'm wearing very scruffy clothes. Nothing exotic unfortunate ly. Sweatpants, a dirty old T-shirt and a bobble hat. Late '90's scruffy is equivalent to early '90's high fashion 28Bonster says:rnwhat's a bobble hat? 28Picadilly says:rnNO makeup? Yes Picadilly - no makeup. 28Charlie says:rnGeorge, are you an avid internet user? scary This is my second time on the internet. I'm actually worried I would become obsessed and have no life. I understand you can make sexually conquests on the internet. I have friends that do it reguarly. 28Bonster says:rnsorry, I'm one of those Americans who should make movies about British culture ;) Okay Bonster, how would you deal with it? In a nutshell, be succint. Britain has culture? We'll hear from Bonster later. 28VernAphexWINDOWLICKER says:rnW ill u be recording as Culture Club ever again?? At the moment I'm working on a new album with Culture Club so I guess the answer is "yes". 28Emilio says:rnBoy George, in your book you describe the first time David spoke to you. "I said hello and he told me I looked like Klaus Nomi, the freaky operatic singer from New York. I was insulted. I was an original. I decided Bowie was better as a concept than a reality, an ordinary bloke with crooked teeth and a funny eye who happened to change you getting back with Jon then? my life." Is that what you still think about him (apart from the teeth, which are different)? Yes, it's true - David was at a club called the Beetroot or the Embassy, I think so and he told me I looked like Klaus Nomi and I was very depressed cause I'd spent hours getting ready, but to be honest I was just thrilled he'd spoke to me. 28kizmee says:rnHave you seen the movie The Wedding Singer? What did you think of the "George" in there? Is it interesting George that both of us to a certain extent have a persona for stage and then we see our personas personad in a movie. So one is getting a third hand fabrication of who we are? Does that not give you sleepless nights? The only thing that depresses me is when I'm portrayed as a mincing old fairy. When in actual fact I'm quite blokey. When you should be a young mincing fairy. We're both south London boys. David do you know that I used to hang outside your house in Beckingham? Do you remember the Wimpy bar down the road? No I read that but I never believed it. Is it true? She did I was outside Hadden Hall and Angie opened the window and said Why don't you all fuck-off. We were thrilled. I think that's her wittiest line I can remember her looking very glamours. 28straffer says:rnBoy who is your favorite band at the moment? My favourite band at the moment is Bell and Sebastian. It's very Velvet Underground and quirky. But I also like Placebo, especially Pure Morning. and I like to see boys in make-up looking like girls. 28LiLu says:rnshould i be calling you Boy? i'd like to name my kids Boy and Girl ... I was going to say be careful what you name your children, kids can be cruel. Is that like be careful for what you wish for? Think about Paul Yates. 28Bianca says:rnIs there any truth that you are planning to make your life into a film, George? Is there any role for David planned in it? Hasn't he done that already? What, George has a problem with children named 'Fifi Trixibelle'? :-) How far into the production process is that film, George. There is a film being made by the BBC and Fineline and there are references to David. At the moment we are grovelling around for extra millions but it should be happening this year. Unfortunately, I just bought cigarettes this week for the summer. My mother is going to be played by Julie Walters, who I love. She is my mother. 28straffer says:rnBoy do you know the outside album?? If so what do you think of the story? I have every Bowie record, including lots of bootlegs and I shall carry on buying them. I feel very loved and the sun's just come out here. 28Gilly says:rndo you smoke, george? yes I do smoke and so do my favourite singers - Bowie and Joanie Mitchell. The only problem is I have asthma. David asks, how do you feel about MP3? I don't have any problem with people having access to my music, even illegally, I think we make so much money anyway - why worry! I think people always want tangible things, even if they get the music on the internet, they will still buy the record. I'm completely in agreement with George on this. I always thought you should be been reported to the RSCPA for "coming" on chameleons. Don't you think it is cruel? LOLOLOL For a start, I always want to know what my favourite stars are wearing and who did the make-up. Even when I bought bootlegs I still bought the records. 28Tybalt says:rnWORD up, george.. especially since i've ripped all of your songs off of all of your albums and have distributed them on the 'net ;) So it was you. Thank you Tybalt we only posed that answer to get the lowdown on who is doing it LOL 28Dodo says:rnHi George,you once referred to David Bowie as "the father of rap"!!Were you kidding?? I always thought young Americans was an early rap record. I can't remember the name of the artist but an American group I think on the Quincy Jones label will be putting out their own variation on 'Young Americans'. I just heard it today and I think it's absolutely wonderful. 28Bianca says:rnWhat are you doing in your spare-time? Do you paint like David does? 28Bianca says:rnWhat are you doing in your spare-time? Do you paint like David does? I look forward to hearing it. I was pretty good at art at school, but I don't think of myself as being capable anymore - my art teacher tried to encourage me to draw bowls of fruit, no very inspiring! 28Valerius says:rnBoy, I'm from Minneapolis, and I'd love to hear what you think of the Artist Formerly Known as Prince -- pretentious, genius, bad makeup, what? As a fellow artist, my initial feeling is that he has come to a crossroad and probably going through a time that maybe I went through in the '80's. This is a very circumspe ct answer. And is struggling to find where his direction should be. He's of such vast talent that he will definitely come out of this densely worrying period. He's overall one of my favorite artists of the last 20 years. I think Prince needs to work on his sense of humour - like David, I think he is immensely talented and is capably of genius any moment - I wait with baited breath. OY- THAT QUESTION WAS FOR BOY GEORGE! ok ... Thank goodness the answer wasn't cut down to I think Prince needs to work on his sense of humour like David.. I didn't mean that David doesn't have a sense of humour. he's just messing with ya, Boy... Quickly moving on to your spiritual beliefs What does this give you a sense of? I'm very wary of calling myself spiritual, I think spirituall ity is a doing thing an ordinary every day thing. NOT a Madonna thing. 28Tura says:rnDo you still believe in Krishna I was drawn to the Hari Krishna sense of style, I like their sense of theatre, although I don't agree with all their principal s. Do you think a sense of theatre or ritual is necessary to bolster or affirm one's beliefs or knowledge, George? I think ritual is a good reminder and I think it's very healthy to have some kind of system that makes you focus on the finer things in life. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:r22nNice frocks you mean? Leigh and (David says): was that the 7COLOR of the frocks or the style? 28Leigh says:rnGeorge isn't it about time you dropped the 'Boy' from your name or will you be 'boy' when you're 50? I think its one of those things thats going to stick. I can be "Old Boy George". And in America, Good Old Boy George Will you change your name to Man Boy (oy, Mannish Boy! hehe) George and I have decided that as life has been so good to us both, we are partially swapping names at 60. He will become Bowie George and I will become David Boy. it's a deal. I only know offensive jokes. behave, Sailor boy David, do you remember Marilyn attempting to sit on your lap at the Embassy club? I remember all too well In fact, I was also a little shaken. He really embarrassed us. We were trying to be really cool. Coco remembers it very clearly In fact, we remember that night because the two of you made a big impression at everyone at our table. And do you remember, George, Rupert Everett was there that night? Well he definitely joined us I don't remember Rupert Everet being there, to be honest we were too fixated on getting your attention. David, do you remember your visit to the Blitz Club to find freaks for your video? Yes I do I felt so underdressed. It must have been the speedos LOL But it was summer I was very depressed that Steve Strange made it into your video and I didn't. My hat was obviously too small. I have to follow that with, Whatever happened to Steve Strange? I saw Steve in Wales about six months ago, he's shacked up with his mother, who's an adorable woman with a fantastic beehive. Definitely what you need if you're living in Wales. Is he working there, George I don't know whether he's working and to be honest I'm friendlier with his mother these days. I actually asked her how she spawned such a monster. Just joking... 28kizmee says:rnIn which video is Steve Strange appearing? Ashes to Ashes 28bb says:rnmoderators - is it really busy out there with loads of questions stacked up? End of #ChatGuest buffer Sat Feb 27 12:45:38 1999 Moderator tells me it's like a nightmare airport endlessly circling and banking questions I can see lots of people, how've named themselves after David's songs. yes Boy 28Genoa says:rnDavid and Boy, you both traverl continually. Where do you feel at home? Usually the most unlikely places. for me, Indonesia. I'm afraid, London and then New York. I like madness. I think I would go insane in Indonesia . I think Indonesia would give you enough madness at the moment. They're having a very tough time. 28Tura says:rnThe 'Wales on Sunday' newspaper featured an article on Steve this week 28Tura says:rnMum and sister. He now working at Scott's nightclub in Cardiff, as their 28Tura says:rnown nightclub in Porthcawl and is about to become an uncle for the first time! That's Steve sorted. 28Tura says:rnown nightclub in Porthcawl and is about to become an uncle for the first time! 28Leigh says:rnDavid & George, do you ever come back and visit Woolwich and Bromley for old times' sake? Yes I do. Generally once a year I make a trip through Brixton Lewisham, Orpington and Bromley What about you George? My mother still lives in Woolwich, but it's only birthdays, Christmas, weddings and furnerals - I send a car for her. The restauran ts are better in Hampstead. George, do you feel songwriting is a major part of who you are? I think song writing is like exorcism - especially when you are writing about old lovers. I have been trying over the years to get more happy but I'm afraid I'm a melancoly merchant. That it? Do you feel that any artist whether he be a visual artist or a singer songwriter is tantamount to a dysfunctional personality? That he feels that more than one other person Absolutely. has to be the recipient of his tantrums or delights? I think fame is all about emotional needs, wanting people to like and love you. Or are we completely off our branches? James Joyce Lives In Wales with Steve Strange. 28Kipsy says:rnGeorge, we love you...never stop singing! :) 28LiLu says:rnmy cat's name is Pepper. We love you too. I won't. My dog's got no nose My dogs are called Elvis and Trojan, and I used to have one called Morrissey. 28Helen2 says:rnGeorge what is your take on Tinky winky? is he a gay icon? I certainly hope so. Little children need to be enlighten ed at an early age. I discovered Bowie at 13 and did me the world of good. My grandmother was horrified. 28kizmee says:rnIs your dog a Boxer? No but he can give you a nasty bite My dogs are mongrels - like their owner. on the ears? George, do you remember a song called Walking My Cat named Dog? Who was it by? Anybody out there remember who sang that song? 28Imi says:rnGeorge, do u have any plans 4 a millenium show like Mr. Jones over there? Boy - do you think DB should accept knighthood? I'm going to Maritus for the millennium. Holiday, holiday holiday.. 28Picadilly says:rnBOY AND BOWIE!! What should I wear to my photoshoot today? Well apart from asking you Picadilly, what the photo shoot's for. Which would help Boy and myself do our styling chore. You can never go wrong with flaming red George, what do you think? 4Boy - do you think DB should accept knighthood? I think cullottes, sling-backs and a sou'wester. Very fetching. 28sQueakie says:rnGeorge - BLONDES OR BRUNETTES?? Either. At this stage I'm desperate. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:r22 nI think a serese winciette nightie and steel toe-caps 28Aki says:rnBetter movie -- VELVET GOLDMINE or LIQUID SKY????? I adored Liquid Sky. Science Fiction film from I think, I'd say the early '80s. I may be way off but I don't think too off. Low budget movie, but full of good ideas. I've not seen Liquid Sky but it must be better than Velvet Goldmine. I'll look out for it. 28Bianca says:rnWill you come in more often as a chat-guest, George? I'm never leaving - this is my new home. Next time we'll definitely try to do it from the same city the two of us. It's quite difficult doing it this way. But it's great to have George on line with us all 28Rednik says:rnIf you two had a paint spray can in your hands what would you write on the wall? yes, thank you George This is not a wall No the question about ventriliquests is confusing me to. Is it something about a hand up a man? I would write a message to Tony Blair telling him to stop messing with our vegetables. We can arrange our own menu thank you. And what would that message be, George. Careful, careful 28Alessandra says:rnGeorge, have you ever thought of having a line of hats for sale? I have thought about it, but where would I find the time? These days though, don't you find everything from painting something to writing a song or designing something all seems to be a huge part of a new profession that the lines betwee the arts are disapeparin g quickly. I found it markedly so since the prominence of black culture has changed our way of thinking about expression. That the emphasis on improvisatio n is not only turned all the arts on their heads, but is learning how to combine one art form with another. I was lucky enough to have a great conversation about this a little while ago with a writer I respect, Greg Tate. Who clued me into so much about how he feels culture has been effected over the last fifteen years especially. By this mere act of improvisation. What do you think anyone? just give us our forms of escapism and we will be happy I agree, I think it's great to be able to do a multitude of things, although people resent you. Like for instance being a DJ - but I enjoy the variety and it keeps me sane. 28JanGenie says:rnDo you read any Neil Gaiman? If not, you should. Love Neil Gaiman. Think his work is fabulous 28Valerius says:rnI think it's a reflection of all culture.....if you get an office job you have to be computer installer, typist, writer, proofreader, artist, scanner, and print specialist I think one should never become their job. yeah and with that - the level of service has gone to crap in nearly every industry 28Emilio says:rnWill Helen Terry be involved in the new Culture Club? Unfortunately Helen and I are no longer speaking, so "No". Which says alot about us as communicators haha I was going to say, "You can't make people love you". Think of Jane County - I've read the book and it's hilariously fictional. 28Bianca says:rnWhat do you think of this new way of online-comm unity, David and George? I find it just amazing and brings really the work of artists nearer to someone! Are you also planning an internet-pr ovider with Culture Club, George? I totally awestruck by its possibilities and its potential. The most exciting part is really not having a clear idea of where it's going. It just seems so full of promise. George? I agree, but I'm worried that people won't leave the house. Do you mean your house? No necessarily, but very soon I imagine everyone will be working from home and I'm worried about the effect on communication from a personal perspective. 28Leigh says:rnSo George - are you an EastEnders fan like David? Isn't it weird that Martin Kemp's in it now? I think it's great that Martin's got a place on a well written TV show. I always thought he was a good actor. Are you being sarcastic? No I'm not being scarcastic I genuinely think he 's a good actor I hear he's a murderer on the new show although I haven't seen his episodes. I think East Enders is the most miserable programme on TV. Rubbish I'm sure people in the east-end are happy some of the time. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:r22nfigh t You are encoragable Blam Blam. 28Rednik says:rnHere I'll hold your handbags! I've just been told the storyline. I leave it to Leigh to answer it 28Leigh says:rnDavid, Martin Kemp killed his ex with an ashtray 28Dodo says:rnBoy what do you think of the Prodigy? I think the Prodigy are excellent. I'm quite good friends with Keith. Are they staying together George or are they going to pursue solo work? I think Liam wants to get more song orientated and is going to start working with other vocalists, I'm available. I think a collaboration between David and the Prodigy would be exciting. Are you a boxing fan, George? Not really. So you won't be watching the Lennox fight then. My dad was a boxing trainer and we had it forced on us through childhood, as you can see I resisted rather skilfully. My brother was a professional boxer for a time. But I bet you can still deliver a pretty lethal haymaker if pushed. When I drink, certainly - I become very Woolwich and that scares me. 28Valerius says:rnBoy, what do you think of Annie Lennox? Does it bother you that she seems like more of a man than you are? LOL I think Annie Lennox is extremely feminine. 28Alessandra says:rnWho is Anne Lennox fighting? If she's fighting anyone, it's probably Dave (Stewart) . Last five questions folks. Open house 28Bianca says:rnWhat do you think of Drum and Bass? Would you also consider this as style of music that you will try with Culture Club? David, do you know about the Ziggy concert at the ICA? I was there and it was fantastically camp. The singer had all the costumes down to perfection. Yes I heard about it. I wasn't there. Was that weird or what? I saw the cosumes they sent along to me to autograph for them. There were lots of old Bowie fans - moaning, but I thought it was extremelly good fun. I thought it an incredibly bright idea. 28Nadsat says:rnWho are your favorite movie directors? Kubrick, Lynch, Gilliam??? George go for one... Hitchcock. Early Lynch, early Kubrick 28Picadilly says:rnNO CHARLIE CHAPLIN!?!?!? 28Gilly says:rngeorge and david: did you meet stevie wonder? Did you see him the other night? Did you get to meet him, George? I met Stevie Wonder back in the 80's and he grabbed me by the throat, I'm convinced he can see, his aim was too perfect. I was trying to get out of doing a certain song with him because I couldn't get the notes and he said "you're holding sheet music in your hand" - he can see alright. lol I found myself in the most impossible situation at dinner with Stevie on one side and Andy WIlliams on the other. It was the most confusing dinner I'd ever been to.. Was Andy Williams wearing one of his nice jumpers? Andy Williams was indeed wearing one of his nice jumpers But more about that another time 28malford says:rnGeorge, are you going to release your live version of "Starman"? Also, to David, how about incorporating "Over The Rainbow" into Starman for the Ziggy 2000 release? :) Yes, Culture Club will be recording a version of Starman, I hope David likes it. I love it already David, is it true Pete Burns asked if he could rewrite the lyrcis to Rebel Rebel, and you said you'd rather he didn't record it. Dead or alive. I better get this right. Pete Burns is the guy in Dead or Alive. Right, I know who you are talking about. And yes, that is true. I love it when gossip comes true. Was there any particular reason? Pete Burns is quite an interesting character in the grand scheme of freaks. I think we're on to our last question now. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:r22 nGeorge my mother made me a homosexual........ What were the ingredients and did it rise in the oven? So last question from me, George, What are your plans for the rest of the year, in brief. Recording with Culture Club, bit of DJ'inig and a lot of holidays. But none in Indonesia I presume On your recommendation I may go to Indonesia - shall I tell them you sent me? I'd like to thank everybody for coming on line and I'd like to thank Boy George especially for being our guest this week and next time we'll try to do this in London. David, I'm just a space cadet and you're the commandor. That's it folks. Thank you. thank you on swishy boy Special Thanks to Boy George!! That's it folks *** Boy\bGeorge (outside2@DPA) has left #ChatGuest End of #ChatGuest buffer Sat Feb 27 13:23:08 1999