*** Now talking in #ChatGuest Bout 6 minutes to go Hi hj....ya having fun??? yes this is the right room couple minutes now let's do it, any questions Good evening Earthlings! AmI on the right nigt? I've just got back from a party and I hung my coat up, unfortunately, I was still in it. boom Boom. It's the way I type them. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnHow is your bad thing David? Blam, not as bad as yours. How's tricks? Welcome back out of chat retirement, did you miss us? 28Tenil says:rnDavid Bowie - What is your favorite art media? ie. Oils, water color, mixed media , etc etc On Sunday's I like a jolly good newspaper. I lie in bed and try and finish the fish and chips as fast as I can so that I can keep up with today's news. 28Alys says:rnMr Bowie, what is the time period in art that fascinates you the most? Between 7:15 and 10:00 at night. But seriously folks...I suppose the early 20th for the ripping apart of everything we have known what with the vortistists and the Dadaists and the futurists, what a bunch of ists... 28NathanAdler says:rnDavid, which band is recording the new album with you, and on which month This has been a very exciting recording period. Reeves and I started writing way early last year and unbelievably have produced well over three or four songs. Actually over 100 songs. We're recording most of the stuff ourselves and Reeves and I are playing most of the instruments and programming drums, etc. But I think you'll be surprised at the actual intimacy of it all. I certainly was especially when it started taking my jacket off. By the time it got to my shirt, I had to give it a damn good slapping. Into it is not the word. 28PartialBlamBlam says:rnDavid, I play tuba. Could you fit me on the new album? I couldn't even get you in the hole in the middle! I've just seen the most extraordinary thing. I went to a part at Julian Schnabels' earlier thisevenign as he is supporting the San Sebastian Film Festival and he threw a kind of a shindig for all the committee and what not. And there, all lined up in front of a blood red painting were Chris Walken, Bobby DeNiro and Al Pacino. I play the meatflute, can I join your set? It was the most unreal thing. Very impressed I was. I had to have another glass of sparkling water. And then I shot over here. 28Bianca says:rnHow far is the new film you did with Schulian Schnabel? I don't know how that got about because I'm not actually in it. My contribution so far has been to read the script and very good it is too. Takes place in Cuba, but I suppose I shouldn't say anymore without Julian's permission. 28DrBenway says:rni am honored that we stole you away from the Godfathers I really used to like the 'Godfathers'. They were a terrific British band and it's unfortunate they broke up. 28Rednik says:rnHi David: Are gonna see something get released from PlaceboWIE then? Yeah very definitely. As you well know, we did some recording a few weeks ago and that should be released within the next few weeks. 28AIRBOURNESIMIAN says:rnbirth,school,work,deat h eh? *** Electric\bWarrior (ronroy@DPA) has joined #ChatGuest *** Electric\bWarrior sets mode: +o Electric\bWarrio r Love that song. I even covered it on a couple of nights but I forgot to tell the band how to play it so it didn't sound too good. "NEXT FEW WEEKS"??? - Like the webcast u and Reeves were gonna do??? This was years ago, mind...I talk to my band these days. good evening - nice small intimate crowd 28RaMOANa says:rn"NEXT FEW WEEKS"??? - Like the webcast u and Reeves were gonna do??? Hi Ron - ya having fun? Don't yell at me OR I'LL YELL BACK. Yes we are doing a webcast, na na na na na. Just got a bit delayed that's all. So phooey! lol From: Sheila O'Shea Re:Ziggy 2002--if you're going to ask us how, I want to know this: WHY?From: Sheila O'Shea Re:Ziggy 2002--if you're going to ask us how, I want to know this: WHY? well at least I got a RESPONSE!!!! Well, Sheila, a dodgy but good question. At the time of Ziggy, there was so much more going on in my head than just the idea of a new synthetic rock star that I want to fully explore all the fragments that made up in my own mind the Ziggy world. And hopefully I'll be able to do quite a complex overview in 2002. And it will have great shoes... 28BebeBuell says:rnSpeaking of Ziggy will the 1980 Floor Show ever see the light of day again?? What a charming name, Bebe... I'm very keen to try and get this released and I would like to combine it with outtakes from that night. It should be this century...maybe next century, but we've all got patience haven't we? 28Aki says:rnI wanted to know if you had a name for your iMac, if so what is it, and do you have plans to collect all five colors? You were brilliant in The Hunger, are you going to age again in The Hunger, The Series? When is this going to air, btw? I've got six colors. That's only cause I took a blue one and painted it gold and then varnished it. It looks really cool, but I think some of the enamel dripped into it cause the screen blushes alot. That's what happens when you buy a monitor a nice coat. Do you see yourself working behind the controls any time soon? Two of my favorite records are transformer and Lust For Life. Are there any artist in particular you are interest in working with in that nature? rn rnGeorge Carney Well, George, if Gail ever gets back to this planet from her soiree in Italy, Reeves and I are keen to work on that album of hers. I hope she's been writing like crazy while she's been on the road. Actually, nearly everybody has been on the road this year, Garson, Gail, Zach. It's just me and Reeves stuck in a room. 28Picadilly says:r20nDavid you were very funny on comic relief, you think you will ever try stand up? Me try sit down. Me try lie down. Me find fall down best. But stand up good idea. I love the European accent. Please say something else. 28Bonster1 says:rnhe always does stand up You were brilliant in The Hunger, are you going to age again in The Hunger, The Series? When is your bit going to air, btw? Watch it son or I'll take your initials off. 28Tura says:rnWhen is BowieNet going public?? Apparently it went public on April the 1st this year. lol lol But I spent all my money on e-bay and now they won't buy it back. Joke, LOL rofl 28sQuacebo says:rnDavid, do you know that many of us have the very same pair of speedos that you have? ROFLMAO I was begining to wonder why they were stretched in the mornings...how many of you have been getting into them at the same time? I really think that you should buy your own pairs... we like to share the skidmarks!! 28Emilio says:rnDavid, whatever happened to Hermione, the female singer of Feathers? In late 1969, she ran off with another dance, male I might add, which didn't last very long apparently. And then she met an anthropologist and got married and they settled down in, of all places, Irian Jawa, and she spent her time making maps of the jungle rivers. Obviously thinking about me on the road. Can we get Julian Lennon as a chat guest? That would be awesome! I have absolutely no idea where she is now. 28RaMOANa says:rnCan we get Julian Lennon as a chat guest? That would be awesome! Funnily enough, I've been thinking of asking the whole family at some point to come and do chat rooms. I know Sean would love to do one and I do hope that Julian would like to, too. And I will try and encourage Mom, yoko, to give us half an hour or so. 28sQuacebo says:rnand Brian Molko. i wanna tell him a thing or two What would you tell him SQuacebo? 28DeSurd says:rnDoes Zachary have a girlfriend? she wants to swap spit with him! Zach, in fact, is a very happily married guy with a beautiful wife, a French girl called Beatrice. And an unbelievably daughter called Marley who must be around three years old now. End of #ChatGuest buffer Tue Apr 27 22:19:56 1999 28Gilly says:rndid you ever meet your sister Imam again? After I saw her photograph in the Daily Mirror or Sun or whatever it was, I sent a letter but I never got a reply. So I guess it sort of ends there. 28Fede says:rnwill you come to Italy again? What a silly question? I AM in Italy right now. 28A_Girl says:rnDavid, are you serious about another Ziggy? No I'm still very much in love with my wife. What did you ever do with those RaMOANa sequinned panties I winged at ya in Ft Lauderdale? 28QueerByChoice says:rnDavid, I've often wanted to ask you: what on earth do you see in James Joyce? The only people who admire James Joyce are people who haven't read Gertrude Stein. Read her book /Ida: A Novel/ - she was the REAL leader of the modernists. What a super name. Was that your father's idea? Rubbish. Gertrude Stein's wet. We could talk about this endlessly so let's scare everybody away. On second thought...we'll deal with this in the chat room one night. I got by the name of Potty so that nobody will recognize me. Pssssst, don't tell anybody. 28Gilly says:rndid you ride a bicycle recently? Is that rumour true, the one where another Bowette is due (for the millenium)???? No I have not been in Montreal riding a bike. The last time I rode a bicycle was in Berlin and it wasn't mine and it didn't have a basket on the front. 28LighterShade says:rnI am a great follower of Stevie Ray Vaughan, what was he like to work with? Stevie was extremely enthusiastic about collaborating with others on music. He was going through a particularly rough time when he was working with me as you probably know. But I noticed a fundamental changein him whenever his godawful entourage was not around and it was such a thrill a few years later to see him sober and straight and in such good spirits. He was a lovely man. 28penelope says:rnhey david.....name three songs you hate to admit that you like :) Inchworm by Danny Kaye, In My Solitude by Anthony Newley, God rest his soul, and how many's that?? 28Tybalt says:rntwo. lol 28A_Girl says:rnDavid, do you think that you will come to Utah for a concert one day?? Why? 28sleepybeauty says:rnDo you like Hulio Iglesias? When I was on holiday once, in Tahiti, in a simply dreadful hotel near the main airport, I was sitting out on the end of our promentary one morning watching the 747's trying to land did u get lei-ed? when I suddenly heard Julio singing at the top of his voice and around the corner of the cove,this mind you at 6 in the morning, came Julio in a canoe with about 10 women. He was dressed in evening dress and drinking a glass of champagne. He was being followed by another canoe with an entire film crew in it. I had unwittingly stumbled onto the Julio Igelsia's Summer Special! ahhhhh! at least u coulda got lei-ed! He glances over to his left and says Ah my friend, David Bowie, let us sing a song together. I nearly fell off my pier! I said I'm not David Bowie, but I wish I had his money. He looked embarrassed and paddled on. This is an absolutely true story folks! lol 28JanGenie says:rnAh, and I thought you were pierless, david That's spelt peerless! 28JillRenee says:rnAre there any artists (dead or alive) that you wish you could (or could have) recorded with? Yes. Francis Bacon. 28Elm says:rnDoes anybody know where David Bowie is?? I certainly don't but I can do a damn good impression. Will that do? 28Bonster1 says:rnI would like to record with Michaelangelo myself But he can't get those top notes, Bonster! Mind you, he smokes like a chimney. 28Helen2 says:rnDavid will we start having to address you as Dr Bowie soon? As my name is David Robert Jones, I thought of myself as a doctor for year. 28manicboy says:rnDavid, where can I get one of your text scrambler progrms? Iman is shortly to produce them as part of her new cosmic range. I think that's tech joke. Iman? Get it? ha....poor Iman has to put up with this! 28Jennifer says:rnWhy does hj get to ask all the Qustions rofl Jennifer, that's just not true. At least he can spell questions properly! I really do pick the questions myself. Honestly. Really. What was that next question, HJ? 28Fede says:rnDavid, how is it to chat at 4am in the morning? As you know Italy never closes shop. Tell us about The Hunger, the series, you just filmed - did you enjoy it, did you age? Eileen and I and HJ all have our little portables with us and we are walking along in Florence talking to Leonardo and Michael A. It's so groovy here. I thought all these old painters were dead. uhoh, i thought your drug days were over! But with the profits they made with their paintings and postcards they bought themselves a project on the other side of the Ponte Vechio. From: Ulysse99 rnrnHello Mister Jones,rnrnDavidrn rnDid the inspiration for the Ashes To Ashes video come from the artwork on the album 'David Bowie' (latter released as 'Space Oddity'), as the pierrot and the old lady in the bottom left hand corner look rather familiar. Absolutely correct. The original artwork was drawn by my old friend, George Underwood and already I had adopted the inner persona of clown as being part of the great lexicon of storytellers. It was always very hard to concieve of a clown having a mother. I had empathy with this in those days. But that imagery has been reoccuring all my life. 28mugwump says:rnHey db, In your travels around Indonesia, ever come across an African gentleman who is some sort of prophet? Okay mugwump, you've asked this question about a million times. What's the punch line? It better be good. I'll watch out for it. 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnthat is cool I couldn't agree more. Whatever it is you're talking about. Did you ever find that Guy Peelleart painting you were after? 28SisteurWickedWench says:rnWill you be making an anthem for The Sisteurs of Utter Destruction soon? You know, something we could play while we're busy stamping out mediocrity, spreading postmodernism thoughout the world, and infusing creativity and intelligence into the brains of simple-minded rednecks everywhere? And where are those dancing disco dancing disco boys anyways? Blimey! Your question is so long we had to split it and fragment it in just the way that your site is attempting to split and fragment the very core nay, the very fabric of our society...what the F am I talking about! Do you want me to do a little ditty for you? 28Picadilly says:r20nIn the movie labyrinth, were you wearing any knickers? Picadilly, I'll have you know they weren't just any knickers. Jim Henson had to dig deeply into his wallet to get me those particular pair of knickers. They were hand woven from the wings of a rare dulwich butterfly that only flies by night. Did they have a potato in those knickers, like the speedos??? So my knickers were, in fact, made up of over 2000 flies. Which made going to the toilet very easy. 28Picadilly says:rnDo flies itch Only when they don't shave for three days. End of #ChatGuest buffer Tue Apr 27 22:40:10 1999 28SisteurWickedWench says:rnTime flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana 28VickiLee says:rnEverything changes.....except your big tales! I bet you say that to all the boys! 28Tura says:rnSo when's Brett Anderson coming on the chat? Have you heard the new Suede stuff? Good idea Tura. I should give the tall skinny geezer a quick call. Be great to have him on. 28arafel says:rnplease say hallo or something so I can go pass out happily So you don't do stand up? 28Simone says:rnAre you going to invite Keith Flint from Prodigy for a chat sometime? I think we're getting to a stage where we need to do a new list of people for the chat rooms. How about sending your ideas in? I do know that we have Floria Sigismondi for May 10th and I'm trying to fit in somebody quite exciting next week. 28Fede says:rnwhat do you think about Marilyn Manson's new stuff? It's defined "bowiesque". Gosh, I hadn't thought about it that way before. But now you mention it... 28imadj says:rnpersonally, I think you're quite exciting This is one of my favorite questions. 28screendoll says:rnDavid, I am trying to quit smoking. Any tipsoh what works best? Filling your mouth with cement helps immeasurably. 28Tybalt says:rni wouldn ask david THAT question... mr two packs a day time takes a cigarette, stuffs it up yer twat, pull my finger... Oooh, get you Tybalt!! Gone veggie have we?! I know another German who was a vegetarian. When are you off and where in Germany are you going to live? 28Earl_Elm says:rnWhen are you releasing a new CD, and WHEN are you TOURING? Are you avoiding this question on PURPOSE?????? Please TOUR SOON!!!!!!!!!! No I'm not avoiding your question. These questions are scrolling past me at about 10 trillion a minute so I've got to yours now. And emphatic yes! There will definitely be a new album well before the end of this year. And I got to say I really really like it! Hope you're happy too. the Action Man returneth The next person that mentions WalMart gets hacked while they're having a bath. 28yuri says:rnthis friday I will be doing a show in front of the school and I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks for somone with stage fright?? I only take showers Yes, don't take him on with you! Do it by yourself, it will be much better! 28Alchemy5 says:rnwill you be showing any artwork in the states this year? I showed one of my older paintings around Greenwich Village last week. It was delighted and especially liked the sidewalk cafes. Then I took it to Calvin Kleins but it thought the look a little dull. I should take some more of my artwork and show it New York in the near future. Did you ever find that Guy Peelleart painting you were after? WHEN ARE YOU DOING ANOTHER R&B ALBUM, DAMMIT!!! What was the first one please? 28Nadsat says:rnMay 1st is my birthday--how bout a concert? That would be fab! Please tell me when it's going to happen and I'll come and watch you. You doing anything special for Duncan's birthday next month? 28arnoldkorns says:rndavid, when will you get a cam feed, so we can see you whilst we "read" you??? Good question. I'm talking to HJ about it right now. Give me a mo. Looks like we're going to go with the cam full time for chats in about six weeks. 28Eileen says:rnhehehehe - GoatCam Watch it! * RaMOANa prefers KnobCam can we pan your knob? 28Bianca says:rnYou met Cher on the Brit Awards. Will you ever do a duet with her again? What do you think of her new album? I only realized recently, stumbling across some old video footage, that I'd actually done a duet with Cher. It was quite thought provoking! It seems that neither of us could stay on the same song for longer than 30 seconds. I think we got away with calling it a medley! I have that on video! you both were looking at each others crotch! Dave,rnrnFirst time poster, long time fan. Could you please tell me what became of the proposed set of your BBC recordings circa 1969 - 72? If they ever make any sort of official appearance PLEASE DO NOT RE-MIX THEM!rnrnSeco ndly, what's your favourite track off the first Walker Brothers album? (Mine's "You're All Around Me" It's been a pleasure posting to you, and it would be a thrill to hear backrnfrom you. rnJeremy Wall. I actually had nothing to do with these apart from singing and playing on them, of course! So I don't know much about the background. I should imagine they're all on the internet. My advice is go and have a look for them. I'm not too big on the Walker Brothers albums except the very last one they did, Nite Flights. Both Eno and I were quite flattered when Nite Flights came out as Scott had adopted the same typography that we had used on Heroes. We very nearly all worked together after that to produce Scott's next album. But things didn't work out too well between Brian and Scott. I never even made it to the studio. My personal Walker favorites are the Electrician and 21 from the last Tilt album. 28"Noah Value" says:rnDo you know who Jonathan Richman is? Isn't he neat? Ten out of ten. I always had a secret wish to record Nobody called Pablo Picasso an asshole. One of my all time favorite cruising songs. Modern Lovers. Great band. 28penelope says:rn*curtsy* it's been a pleasure david, but i must run off for my bath, then off to bed :) *smooch* Smooch back! Make sure you don't get hacked! 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnhow about "Get down off of the gas stove granny, you're too old to ride the range"? Where do you come up with them, Blam? My gosh! You weren't like that as a child! 28arafel says:rnmost hackers are online these days, David Most hackers run sites these days. 28Earl_Elm says:rnHave you had PLASTIC SURGERY, or are we too touchy to answer that??????? most hackers smoke too much Don't get cute with the 'we' or are you just royal?! yeah AND you never answered the viagra question I've only had linoleum surgery and that was to my upstairs bathroom when the sink fell through on top of the telly. What little is left of my face is genetic. Not cosmetic. But thank you so much for asking. 28Rednik says:rnDavid have you seen your latest look-a-like character in GTA London 'puter game? Only on one of the sites the other week. What did you think of it? 28Electric_Blue says:r22nDavid: can you move the time/date zones please as us Brits and other Euros aren't getting any sleep with all the extremely late night events?!! I think I'm going to have to take the bull by the horns one day and do two chats at different times of the day. 12IS THERE LIFE IN YOUR PANTS OR DO YOU RELY ON VIAGRA? One for North America and one for home, UK. We'll get to all the plastic surgery and viagra questions next session... Then I can get in my super turbo jet, fly off to Tokyo and hopefully squeeze a third one in before bathtime! 28jungtheforeman says:rnUS fans think they have it rough waiting up till bath time and here we are at 4 in the morning! I couldnt agree more, Jung! 28Alys says:rnEver consider typing while in the bath, eh? That's not the first thing that comes to mind usually! 28LiLu says:rnhave you read Jung For Beginners too? i love the pictures! I never even finished Jung For Dummies and that didn't even have pictures. 28BebeBuell says:rnDavid do you prefer baths or showers? I'm English, baths, of course, and a rubber duck! 28Harlech says:rnDavid, do you have any tatoos and what of? Back of left calf, lots of Japanese script. Picture of Dolphin, strange bloke riding on his back. Left hand extended. Little frog on same. 28manicboy says:rnDavid, who's your favorite comic book character? Jerry Falwell. End of #ChatGuest buffer Tue Apr 27 23:02:44 1999 28DrBenway says:rndavid, ever been in therapy? Nope, fraid not. Never made it past Idaho. Does it rain much there? 28zerogirl says:rnCrud, Dad's bitchin for me to get off the comp--Dave, are you gonna give us b-netters exclusive "shows" when you get the camera? David - let us get the complete vision - bubbles or bath salts? Yes, if you 'know' what I mean? Nudge nudge, wink, etc. 28Helen2 says:rnDavid, Rex waves a big hello to you Now there's a talented man! A Big wave back to Rex and to you, too, Helen 2. 28blue says:rnWhat do you think of Beckarooskie? Now that's the way I hoped you phrased the question. See how patience wins out? I think he's rather fabby! His last album particularly, I adored. 28lambugi says:rnDavid, can you say goodnight to Austin, Casey and Haley, so I can put them to bed now? Good night Austin, Good night Casey, Good night Haley. Are they very very young or very old men? Do tell. Did you miss us during your chat retirement?? 28JillRenee says:rnCan you say hi to my mom? No. oh alright. Hi Mom! 28PartialBlamBlam says:rnAre you trying to make an old man very happy? In your case, Blam, Just trying to make a happy man very old. 28Tura says:rnany up and coming artists to look out for? A fantastic black painter called Michael Ray Charles. Definitely one of the more controversial artists around at the moment. Did you enjoy doing The Hunger series? I;ll see if I can't get permission from him to put some of his work up. Iman first saw his stuff and then showed it to me. And I in turn showed Goldie. Who's now super fan as is Spike Lee and so many others I now hear. I guess I must have missed his work before. with a contemporary confrontational spin to them. They are extremely provacative and unsettling. He's great! 28Gilly says:rndo you wear shoes, slippers, socks or do you go barefoot at home? I go all kinds of ways. Sometimes with both slippers, sometimes with just one. Tonight it'll just be the right slipper. But three socks! 28Alchemy5 says:rnwhere does Micheal Ray Charles show? Just get your favorite search engine and type in Michael Ray Charles. There's quite a bit of stuff on him. He's had two major shows in New York and created a huge hooha. Some people very pro his work; others very anti it. 28Picadilly says:rn Can I make a puppet of you""" Well, I imagine that would be alright after all Iman managed to make a husband out of me. And you lot make a fuss of me! Which is lovely. Big Kiss! 28Rick says:rnAre you really in the new 'StarWars' movie? Okay. Who am I playing? If you like, where's the money?! AN EWOK!!! of course 28lambugi says:rnDo you do anything for free? Yeah, heh, heh, heh... like????? 28"Total Blam Blam" says:r26nyou are playing Smoke baccy 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnSmokebaccy - chewbacca - get it? uh, no, sorry. could you enlighten me? 28Helen2 says:rnDavid, people in the other room want to know what books you are reading at the moment, please answer them as they are bitching up a storm I'm afraid I'm still plowing through the last quarter of Modern Times Modern Places by Peter Conrad (read my review on Barnes & Noble). It's an extraordinary book. and I happen to love it very very much! You should see what it's got between the covers! 28Jenstrdust says:rnDavid, ever read Diamond Nebula? Is that the one where I've got a paragraph or two in? Should I read it? Is it any good?