CONT - 28Bonster1 says:rnyou reviewed a book you didnt finish??? This is my second time! But this time I've got my Oxford dictionary with me. Don't you love the Oxford Dictionary? When I first read it, I thought it was a really really long poem about everything. 28Margot says:rni went insane once and thought you were the author of Diamond Nebula - and that you produced alanis morrisette!? Gosh. 28sQuacebo says:rnWebsters has a similar storyline Yes I agree, but it doesn't have the cunning and insight of that old fable 'everything'. i think the slightly sinister aspect of the Oxford came about because of the nutcase murderer who co-wrote it. 28Ysengrin says:rnThe LArousse even got bits in LATIN!! nutcase murderers are your forte' I would have thought it would have been French, wouldn't you? A bit decorative for my taste. 28mugwump says:rnhey db, what do you think of the author John Pilger? Very insightful man. I've always liked his correspondence. Puts it all together in a very perceptive way. 28Margot says:rni'll go insane again if you don't answer my question Sorry, Margot, but you seem to have forgotten to put your question in so I'll move on to somebody else. 28JillRenee says:rnWalmart is a great store.... Get into your bath at once! 28Tybalt says:rnglasses? you? now? wearing? My sight as you probably know is 20/20. However, I often wear a pair of glasses to not embarrass my contemporaries into feelings of insecurity. all your contemporaries are like dead, aren't they? Gosh every one, isn't this a long one? No comments from you Blam Blam. Tell us about the Hunger! * RaMOANa throws an ankh at DB We'll now be taking five more for a quick ride round the block with a piece of my artwork to have a look at the windows of Gucci! 28Alessandra says:rnHow do I obtain "Blam Blam" status? You call that status? Hah! IT'S NOT WHO YOU KNOW, IT's WHO YOU BLOW! 28Isabel says:rnare you buying anything? I'm sorry love, I'd love to help. But I gave that up along with drinking many years ago. But thanks for the offer! 28Rick says:rnMay I work for you for free? Are there any others like you at home?! 28"Total Blam Blam" says:rnDon't make me come over there 28Skyler says:rnMay I work for you for money? Don't push your luck! 28actionboy says:rnPoland Spring or Evian? Pellegrino. 28DeSurd says:rnI will work for cheese That is very funny! LOL! I would wash the sand outta your's and Iman's bum and be your towel girl if I could hang with ya a bit ;) JOKING! 28actionboy says:rnLemon or lime? Lime, but no ice. bubbles or bath salts???? 28JanineGenie says:rnI will work for chocolate 28Baal says:rnI would work for cheese, but it would have to be Venezuelan Beever Cheese... This is just getting all too silly! nobody need work at all. People Power! YAY! * RaMOANa hands DB a frozen marguerita, no salt 28Picadilly says:r19nDo you have any intentions of helping young artists get their start? (which painting do you want?!) It's always a good idea to try and submit your work to BowieNet. At least it gives it a chance to be seen by nine or ten people. and you will get feedback, I promise you. This is going to be my last answer as it is way past my bath time. You are a funny and fabby lot! Never lose your sense of humor. Always eat your crusts and take a clean hanky! Don't forget to grow up now and if it itches, see a doctor. And with this advice, young man, you, too, can go into therapy! So where's that last question? When can you come back and play with us???? When can you come back and play with us???? When can you come back and play with us???? 28Margot says:rnHave you ever tried to disabuse anyone of their loopy Bowie beliefs? Yes, but look at this site and see what happens! 28corina-pia says:rnSo when will you answer some of the 'pre-sent' questions? When can you come back and play with us???? Actually, Corina, I've included quite a few in this chat. We got several hundred questions so it really is pretty hard to get through everything. But, hey, there's always next time and it won't be very long. I know, promises, promises. But I will be back sooner than I was last time. I'm not sure that makes any sense. What have you done to me?! Good night Earthlings! Beautiful! That's it kids WE love ya - bye bye luv Bowie has left the building! nite all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** Electric\bWarrior (ronroy@DPA) has left #ChatGuest End of #ChatGuest buffer Tue Apr 27 23:30:20 1999