The Last Temptation of Christ

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
Starring: Willem Dafoe, Barbara Hershey
Director: Martin Scorsese
Synopsis: Controversial, thought-provoking drama portraying Jesus Christ's final year provides an unconventional interpretation of his personality. Notable for its stunning cinematography, haunting score. Meaty fare for open-minded drama lovers, history buffs.

Runtime: 163 minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Genres: Classic, Drama

RaM's Review: How perfect is David Bowie as Pontius Pilate and questions Jesus? Not a very large role for Bowie (ie. not long on screen), but the movie, despite being controversial at the time, is effective and well done visually, imho. It's a long movie but evokes some emotional sympathy from the audience.

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