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on and off again attraction web ring

Once you have filled out and submitted your web site, please place this HTML on your site. It will work after your site has been actually moved to the web ring!

join | previous site | next site | skip the next site | random site

Paste this code where you'd like the web ring to be. Note: It will not work until you have been moved to the ring. When you have been moved you will get a number. That is your site ID. Fill that in where it says, "Your site ID here"

<center><img src=""><br> <A HREF="">join</a> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR SITE ID HERE;prev">previous site</a> | <A HREF=;id=YOUR SITE ID HERE;next">next site</a> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR SITE ID HERE;skip">skip the next site</a> | <A HREF=";id=YOUR SITE ID HERE;random">random site</a> </center>

If you are already a member, you can change your descriptions etc. here:

Site ID No:

