Straight Arrows and Buckaroos
Straight Arrows
Straight Arrows is for boys ages 5-6. Meetings use a Native American Indian theme to keep them interested and involved. They will learn basic Christian values, as they advance to become a Brave, Tribesman, Warrior, Hunter, and Scout. They are taking their first steps down the Ranger Trail.
Buckaroos is for boys ages 7-8. Meetings use an old west cattle ranch theme, complete with a ranch boss. Boys "work" on their ranch to become a Greenhorn, Wrangler, Range Rider, and Top Hand. They will learn scripture through Bible reading and memory work, as they learn to follow God.
Activities throughout the year for Straight Arrows and Buckaroos:
Weekly fun-filled meetings: Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Buckaroo/ Straight Arrow Field Day
Buckaroo/ Straight Arrow Jamboree (in Lake Wales, FL)
Camping at Annual PenFlorida Pow Wow in Central Florida(Family area)
Church Lock-ins and Sleepovers
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