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The Origin Of Sharkkbait.....

Ok, here it is, in in all it's glory. From the time I was little, I've had this fascination with sharks. Their beauty and grace, and their power as well. Now, going on the premise that everyone on this earth has to eventually die, I just sort of picked the way I want to go.

It started with a newspaper headline that said "Man dies when home explodes." Well, this story told of a couple (who will remain brainless.... I mean, nameless) who came home one night to find that the power to their house had gone out. However, this wasn't the only problem. The wife stated to her husband, that she smelled gas as well, coming from inside the house. So, the husband, and this was what happened per the wife, via the newspaper) told his wife he was going to check it out. He went up to the door, and told his wife that he needed to light a match to see inside. This would have been as good a time as any to remind either one what happens when gas reaches an ignition source, however, they were sick that day in school. So, he lights a match, blows up the house, and kills himself. This is NOT the way I want to be remembered leaving this life, you know, incredibly stupid?

So, the way I have it planned, is that I'm going out diving with my friends, and everyone is getting back in the boat, but I'm just goofing around in the water, when WHAM! A Great White shark clamps his jaws tightly around my torso, with just enough time for me to feel the extreme power of his jaws before passing out from blood loss, and eventually dying. Then, it shakes my lifeless body around in the water, and disappears into the depths from which he came. Hey, it doesn't get any more dramatic than that! So, I guess in some sick way, that would be the way I want to die, and hence, recieved the nickname "SHARKKBAIT" from friends. Hey, you were the one that clicked to read about this, what were you hoping to find?

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