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White shark :Carcharodon carcharias

Geographic Range Oceanic Islands, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean: The white shark is widely distributed throughout temperate and subtropical regions of the world's oceans.

Food Habits A voracious and efficient predator. Its prey includes a wide variey of bony fishes, including salmon, hake, halibut, mackeral, and tunas; other sharks; sea turtles; seabirds; and marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, sea otters, and porpoises.


Turquoise Horizon - Cage Diving with Great White Sharks
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Maps of White sharks attack
information about shark attacks in south africa,Austaralie and United state
Franks wihte sharks page
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Trends in Unprovoked Attacks by White Sharks
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© Gary Villa White sharks page
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A news letter about White sharks
