Karen's Information To Be Recorded Title
Karen's Information To Be Recorded
- Event Research:
McInerney Associatioes (866) 587-2034~~~~Homeless Help Convention~~~~~~ww.cmtc.org~~~ww.FamilyTheatreFest.com~~~~~~ Emory University~~~~~ Webster University~~~~~~~Orlando Garden Club: 710 East Rollins Street~~~~~~Country Weekly.com ~~~~~~Greater Orlando Food Bank ~~~~~~Destivy Foundation~~~~~~~World Trade Center Orlando: (407) 649-1899 --- Fax: (407) 649-1486 __ 736-A North Magnolia Avenue, Orl 32803 ¡V E-
Mail: emilyb@w2orldtradecenterorlando.org ¡V ww.WorldTradeCenterOrlando.org~~~ww.webproregister.com/fl~~ww.tribalasia.com~~Women Playrights Initiative (WPL)~~`Merrill Gardens for a tour (407) 786-5637 ~~~~Women¡¦s Wellness Society: ww.WomensWellnessSociety.com~~~~~~~CarePlus Health Plans, Inc (800) 794-4105~~~`Farmworker Ministry in Apopka
~~~(800) 456-5600 Some Talk organization~Florida Christian College ¡V ww.fcc.edu~~~~ww.eWomenNetWork.com~~~Missed seminar on Elder Law callf or reschedule: (407) 265-9100 Laura
Donate today:
United for Peace & Justice~~~Gathering for Eagles
- Business:
Wells Fargo BusinessLine (800) 577-4990, PO Box 29701, Phoenix, AZ 85038-8733~~~~~~DiscoverBank.com: (888) 728-3948~~~~~World Bank~~International Monetary Fund~~~~~World Trade Organization~~~~International Franchise Associationn (IFA) ww.Franchise.org~~~SCORE Orlando: wwScoreOrlando.org (407) 420-4844
- Banks:
M&I Banks: (888) 330-3566 ¡V ww.mibank.com
- Charities:
Ten Thousand Villages: ww.TenThousandVillages.com~~~~United Way: ww.hfuw.org
~~~~~New Missions: (407) 240-4058 ~WW.NewMissions.org~Doctors w/o Borders~~~Daniel Pearl Foundation
- Orlando Charities:
Beta & Russell House~~~~Boat Angel: (800) 227-2643 ¡V ww.boatangel.com
- Food
Writer Bob Mervine~Einstein Bagels~Online Groceries~Shanes BBQ~~Money Gram~~~~Western Union~~Beluga~Marble Slab Creamery~Crispers~Beacon Awards~~~~~The Gathering.org~ww.37SMCProfit.com~ww.MetroPlanOrlando~Global Action for Children~Werner Van Trapp~~`Greg Iles & Norah Rpoberts (Books~Teri Garr-MS ~wwWalMartMoneyCard.com (877) 965-7848
- Magazine Subscriotions Received
- Ministries:
InTouch Ministries Accoutn # 4689358~~~~~~~
- Orlando Associations:
Enterprise Florida: ¡§Karens-Business-Seminars¡¨ ~~~~~~~~The Associaiton of Asian Cultural Affairs
- Orlando:
ww.OrangeCountyFL.net~~~~~~Hard Rock Live: (407) 351-5483 ¡V ww.HardRoick.com~~~~~ww.OrlandoShakes.org~~~~~OrlandoCityBeat.com~~~The Hippie Shopƒ¼407) 850-5911¡X5814 Mak9oma Drive~~~~~~~~Orlando Venues: ww.OrlandoVenues.net~~~~~~~~SAK Comedy Lab: (407) 648-0001 ¡V ww.sak.comedy~~~~~~~ww.OrlandoWeekly.com~~~~~African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida: ww.blackcommerce.org~~~~~~~~Casa Feliz~~~~~~First Baptist Orlando: ww.FirstOrlando.com/Events~~~~~ww.AltamonteRotary.org~~~~~~
- Orlando Publications:
ww.OrlandoWomanNews.com~~~~ Winter Park/Maitland Observer: ww.Observernewspapers.com
- Orlando Venues:
Loft305 locate above China Warehouse~~~Creative Spirit Art Gallery, 820A Lake Baldwin Lane (407) 898-8343~~~Wentworth Gallery, The Mall at Millenia~~~~ww.Wallstplaza,net
- Restarants:
Houlihans~~~~~~~~ Red Rock Canyon Grill~~~~~~~~~~~Raglan Road: ww.RaglanRoadIrishPub.com~~~~~~903 Mills Market (Mills at Gore)~~~~~Wildside BBQ Bar & Grill~~~~~Cricketeer Arms --- New Location: Festival Bay Mall~~~~~~~~Prime Outlets~~~~~ww.Jasonsdeli.com~~~~~Howl At The Moon, 8815 Internatiohnal Dr (407) 354-5999~~~`Baldwin¡¦s Pub: ww.baldwinspub.com~~~Atlanta Bread Company~Wing Shack: ww.wingshack.com
- Stores:
Candles: ww.MyNewbf.com
- Stores for Charities & Ministries:
- Work:
Join Mystery Book Club: ww.JoinMysteryGuild: GQM139~~~~~ww.Parade.com/Christmas~~~~~Guideposts~~~~~~~~~
- Infomation:
- E-Mail:
- Choose an email address From time to time, we will send you communications regarding your usage of Yahoo! Answers and community feedback regarding your participation.
- Patricia Amble:
Hi Karen, just wanted to say hi and to know that we are not that far from each either in Florida. I live in Tampa my e-mail address is pamble@tampa bay.rr.com Phone is 813-569-4638 or 813-870-0775, ext. 3549. I work for the same company that I worked for in Illinois,
just an opportunity was available and that was in 2005.
Give me a holler and let me know how you are doing. Pat