Chapter 19

Nick angrily stalked over to a nearby tree and hid his face in his arms.

A wave of sympathy passed over me and I approached him and placed a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"Ange...please don't," he said unhappily.

Hurt, I removed my arm and angrily marched away.

"Angie...stop...that's not what I meant..." I took a few ateps and appeared in my path. "You were making me feel insensitive," he explained.

"Insensitive? Nick, maybe you are sometimes...but I know it's 'cause deep down your insecure!" I said teasingly.

"No...for real. You're the one hurt," he sputtered carefully.

"You see? If you were insensitive you would have said it straight out! I could have been more than hurt...try permanent brain damage!'re cool. And I'm glad that if I have to be in this mess at least I'm with you."

"Awwww..." Nick grinned down at me. "You know I don't let many people get away with calling me Nicky!"

"Hey!" I laughed. "You called me Angie!"

I pulled Nick into a quick hug. My ears perked up as I heard the low rumble of an approaching car. "Nick...we gotta get out of here! I could be them two coming back to look for us." We darted into the woods and ducked behind a rock.

Sure enough, the car slowed down and Carl stepped out of his Volvo.

"We gotta get outa here!" Nick whispered hoarsly.

Brian couldn't believe that he was actually giving up for the night. Wearily he sank into a stiff kitchen chair and ran his hands through his hair, making his curly bangs stand on end. Thinking about Angela being missing made him feel extremly guilty. Nick told him that she had a crush on him. Brian just never liked her like that. With her off-the-wall sense of humor, she was like a female Nick sometimes. Idly Brian picked of the day's mail and flipped through a new magazine. He didn't register what he was reading though. He knew the answers to Nick and Angela's whereabouts lay in that information. He laughed bitterly when his eyes scanned an article on 3 Make Harmony. Lowering his eyes to read the caption beneath the picture he gasped. The girl's name! Christina was her! Brian reached in his pocket for the precious information-containing piece of paper. Lord she looked a lot like Angela! Brian was about to put his jacket on when he realized that he couldn't go to the police station with this newfound infornation and expect to get aby more results. Sighing he slouched down and tapped his fingers nervously. Now what?

"Nick...Nick...NICKOLAS" I screached. "I need to catch my breath!"

Nick stopped running and crouched over, placing his hands on his knees. He then gave up and flopped down onto the ground.

The only illumination came from the moon, which cast an erie silvery glow upon his form. I panicked and ran to sit next to him, afraid to be standing alone in the woods.

"Man, I need a nap or something," Nick complained and rubbed his eyes.

I heard his stomach rumble, which reminded me that I was starving too. I hadn't consumed anything since that hot chocolate in the diner-which to say the least-wasn't very filling.

"Take a nap here?" I looked around nervously. "They could find us...or there could be bugs or something..."

"We'll be fine, girl. Just stay near me."

I laughed sarcastically. "I think that goes without saying."

He pulled me closer "I need a pillow," he teased as he wrapped his arms around me and guided my head into the crook of his neck. He lightly set his head on top of mine. "I won't let anyone hurt you, Angela," he murmered, making me feel safer.

I sighed, as content as I could be given the situation. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep shorty after Nick placed a gentle kiss on top of my head.

Chapter 20