Chapter 7

I burst open the door to our apartment with disgust. Every time I looked at it I was reminded of the inner city crack dealers from the movies who lived in similar looking homes.

I walked over and flopped onto our tattered plaid couch. Sighing I gingerly removed my high heeled Steve Madden boots. One by one I cracked each of my toes. Nick and I had made our way throughout the entire mall..with no luck...well ALMOST no luck. McDonald's was looking for part time help. I lowered myself to applying, and there was no doubt in my mind--I was hired.

"Because I'm a college dropout with 24 hours free each day," I muttered out loud.

"What was that?" Nick asked as he lifted up my tired feet from his side of the couch to sit down. He placed my feet in his lap and began to massage them.

I wearily shook my head and closed my eyes--enjoying to immobility that my feet were experiencing. Wow! Nick was actually doing a good job. I began to lose myself in the fluid motions that his fingers drew on my feet.

"Olas--why must you be such a confusing boy?" I asked wearily without opening my eyes.

"Why do you say 'dat?" he asked.

"Because--you're being a gentleman right now--but I know the moment will pass and then we'll be bickering again--I'll trip over your scuba gear, or you'll bitch about my cooking or something."

"We need to get used to living together is all," he continued massaging my feet.

"Mmmmmm..." I began to drift off into a deep slumber.

"Don't you want to sleep in your own bed?" he asked me.

My mind barely registered his words, and I uttered a distracted "yeah," that must have sounded more like a moan. I went to sleep and had a dream about a smelly bill collector with fox-colored hair chasing me through the mall.


I awoke in my bed to the smell pizza. Nick must have brought me in here, I thought. When my bare feet hit the floor, they came in contct with a fluffy surface. I looked down and saw a small blue rug. Now, little things like that make me happy. Upon walking into the kitchen I saw Brian bending over the oven, pulling out a pizza.

"Brian Littrell, you have made my day!" I gave him a quick hug.

"Oh--I went to Wal*Mart after work and bought a few odds and ends. I knew you'd like that rug."

A picture of Brian with a blue plastick shopping cart began to form in my mind. The thought made me giggle.

I looked from him to the pizza quizically "since when is one pizza even enough for Nick?" I asked.

Brian looked over at me guiltily "actually I'm going out Ange, I just wanted to make sure you and Nick were settled down with your dinner."

Who the hell did he think we were? Retards?* Like we couldn't handle making our own dinner?

Brian must have caught the doubtful expression I was wearing, "hey, I know Nick isn't ALWAYS a fire hazard...but tonight I just had this feeling that I should be the one to operate the major kitchen equipment," Brian quipped.

I forced out a tiny smile, "So...who are you going out with this time?" I asked as casually as possible.

Brian picked off a pepperoni from the pizza and popped it into his mouth "you want?" he insdicated toward another pepperoni he had in his hand.

I opened my mouth and he set it on my tongue.

"Actually, remember Carri from the Coffee Shop?"

I did my best not to look horrified. Was THAT my competition? I was truly insulted.

"Niiiiiiickkkkkkk. FOOD'S DONE!" bellowed Brian.

"I'll be dere as soon as I get past this level," was the muffled reply.

"If you want cold food--so be it. I'm makin' like a prom dress," Brian called back. He stopped to pat me on the back, "see ya buddy."

I sulked at the table and watched him head out the door. I folded my arms onto the table and then nestled my head into my arms. "Buddy huh?" I whispered to myself. "Hooray, I'm making progress!"

*Ok...I don't think writing "mentally challenged" would have had the same blunt effect I was trying to make.
Chapter 8