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I am a 21 y.o. student majoring in what else but Computer Science. I'm also interested and might get a minor in Business Management and French. Born in Cuba, on the wonderful day of April 16, 1979. Left for obvious reasons and moved to Panama, where I vacationed for 8 months. My Alien self arrived here in 1986. My next stop: unknown, I plan to one day live in either France or Japan (maybe both). My interests and hobbies are (in no particular order) computers, music, web development, french, japanese, digital art, skating / biking, photography, travel and last but not least, sushi!

I altered this picture quite a bit ...... I mirrored it, added the "SP" text, the beetle, my pic, and changed the colors and texture on a few things ...... Messing with and altering pics is one of my favorite things to do (when i'm not doing much) ......I have a small collection going ...... Another is just twiddleling around with the computer to see what makes it tick ....... I remember my early days of computing; 13 years old with an Explorer computer -086-EGA-GUI ....... About the only thing that I could do with it was master DOS commads and Qbasic, but I was very happy with that ...... I always wanted a computer but couldn't really afford one, until my parents got me that one for $150, with the promise of a better one in the future ...... I was so excited that I would run to the library after class to read and checkout books ...... I remember how much I enjoyed reading an MS DOS book from cover to cover ....... That was my second computer, but the first useful one ...... The first one I ever had was a Commodore PET (monochrome, w/ only DOS), man that thing was a nightmare!: black screen/green text, and nothing was compatible...aaghh! ....... but i miss it for some reason ...... Although I consider myself somewhat of a futurist, there are two things I love about the past: the music (from Beatnik to 80's New Wave) and the computers ..... I absolutely love outdated computers, it's just something about there simplicity, and how it started it's humorous ..... I plan to have a collection of old computers .....*smiles*.....

more to come.....

Synthetic: adj. 1.Pertaining to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis. 2.Chemistry. Produced by senthesis; especially, not of natural origin; man-made. 3.Not genuine; artificial; devised. 4.Linguistics. Denoting a language such as Latin or Russian that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships. In this sense, compare polysynthetic. A synthetic chemical compound or material. [Greek sunthetikos, skilled in putting together, component, from sunthetos, put together, compounded, composite, from suntithenai, to put together. See synthesis.]

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