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-You will need to complete a tryout session.

- You must be able to attend most practices, unless you have a really good excuse.

- You will not take part in another squad.

- You have to be available at around 8:00 pm est

-You have to have icq. You can download it at

- Have fun.


The Snipers Alliance Pledge of Allegiance

You are a Snipers Alliance Soldier! A professional!

You will do all that your squad requires of you. You are a volunteer, knowing well the hazards and consequences of your profession.

You serve with the memory of those who have gone before you: Rogers’ Rangers, Francis Marion, Mosby’s Rangers, the 1st Special Service Force, the Jedburghs, Detachment 101, and the Special Forces soldiers of the Vietnam War, who won 17 Medals of Honor and 90 Distinguished Service Crosses. You pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of all these, in all that you are, in all you do.

You are a professional soldier. You will teach and fight wherever your squad requires, to destroy the opposition. You will strive always to excel in every art and artifice of war.

You know that you will be called upon to perform tasks in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices. With the help and guidance of your God, you will conquer my fears and succeed.

You will keep your mind and your body clean, alert and strong, for this is your debt to those who depend upon you.

You will not fail those whom you serve. You will not bring shame upon myself or the squad.

Your goal is to succeed in any mission - and live to succeed again.

You are a member of the most elite squad of all. God grant that I may not be found wanting, that I will not fail this sacred trust.

If I can trust you to be all you can be, and if you trust yourself to be the best god damn Delta Force player out there, only then can you accept the terms by which you must abide and become one of the elite.

-Mr. Suicide=SA=, Snipers Alliance Squad Leader
