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Extraterrestrial's The greys Banner

One of the main types of space people you see on billboards and different types of commercials nowadays is the little space people we call the Greys. Here is some information about these less than perfect beings Let us now investigate the ET group, we have been calling the "greys' who are seen by some of the more recent authors of the ET literature, (which now includes me) (JW That is, Mr. Horn), as being at least partially responsible for the generally miserable condition most of humanity has been wallowing in throughout history. Who are these ETs who apparently told members of the secret government that they had been for a long time and were at the present time"...manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion?" Who are these apparently multidimensional beings that seem to have had more contact with surface humans in the past few years than any other ET group? As we have seen, the greys seem almost certainly responsible for thousands and millions of cattle mutilations, human mutilations, and human abductions that have been reported since the early 1960's in literally hundreds of worldwide publications. The evidence is that the greys are clearly far superior to the human species in technological and metaphysical ability. Why has this older species that has clearly evolved further than humans in some respects, wish to inhibit the spiritual evolution of a relatively new, less knowledgeable species? Why have the greys not evolved spiritually to the point where they would have consciously turned towards the light, and possess nothing but love and compassion towards all of creation, as the more mystical traditions of our religions and many esoteric sources indicate should be the goal of humankind and all of conscious entities. There are, by now, hundreds of books and pamphlets that refer to the greys. The best single source of the greys by an author who has, in my opinion, come to understand the truth about the greys is Valdamar Valerian's Matrix II. Valerian has amassed data about the greys from UFO researchers who, at one time in their lives had access to some "above top secret" files of one of the United States security agencies, and other human researchers, and also esoteric sources. Other esoteric sources will be used, as well, in this brief attempt to understand what this "alien thing" is all about. There are several types of entities that are known by humans as "greys". There are said to be twenty-two subspecies of greys. There are tall greys that are about 7 feet tall, and there are very short greys that are from 3 to 5 feet tall. There are said to be some greys that have a benign attitude towards humans, although there are few human reports of contacts with such greys. Autopsies performed on a number of greys by the United States government, that came into their hands mostly through saucer crashes, are the very short greys. They have small thin bodies with large egg-shaped heads, which are proportionally much larger relative to its body than the heads of humans. These greys have slanted, large, tear-shaped eyes. They have three or four claw-like fingers, and tough grey skin that is of a reptilian nature. Their internal organs are similar to human internal organs, but are unknown to human biological science and have"..obviously developed according to a different evolutionary process.' Their brains are absolutely larger that those of humans, despite their small body size. They have a non-funtioning digestive system. Greys apparently subsist on human blood and other biological substances which they absorb, while they soak in large vats (a friend of mine, by the name of Harley Byrd, the relative of the late Admiral Byrd, once said to me, that the greys eat bob-cat stew, that is, a mixture of everything that you would expect an animal called a bob-cat, would eat. They don't exactly eat it but put it on their skin and absorb it. It all sounds a little gross to me.) These somewhat reptilian-like greys also have some plant characteristics. They do digest some sort of food which is converted into energy by their bodies by a process that is similar to the process of photosynthesis used by earth plants. The autopsied Greys had chlorophyll in their bodies for this plant-like function. Their blood is greenish. Autopsies of their large brains have revealed that they actually have two separate brains, separated by a thin bone. There is no physical connection between the "two brains." Some of the autopsies have revealed a crystalline network in their brains which is thought to give them telepathic capabilities. Most of the Greys on earth (in underground dwellings) are believed to be from, or have ancestors from one the planets of the Orion constellation of Stars. JW I once thought that the Greys were called Greys because they were neither good nor bad, neither black nor white but somewhere in between but now I have found they called Grey because of their grey or sometimes called gray skin. Source of Information: Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins, by Dr. Authur David Horn.