Justin is a Prick

This picture was sent to Storygirl (Thanks Bouncin' Blue. *grin*). We had serious discussions over whether to post it, and decided we, like Justin, couldn't keep it to ourselves. So, scroll down carefully and please, view carefully. Keep in mind, the boy is seventeen...

We have a few things to say about this picture...

Ladies and gentlemen... Justin "Randy" Randall Timberlake!

Good morning, sweetheart. Been having nice dreams?

He's saluting!

We're happy to see you, too, Justin!

Is it because you're standing next to Lance? He is hot.

Looks like someone hasn't... relieved his tension lately.

Justin must want to go camping. Look, he's already pitched his tent!

Is that a mic in your pocket, or are you just happy to see us?

"You'll shoot your eye out, you'll shoot your eye out!"

Why are we seeing this so clearly? Are you not wearing underwear?

Justin's ready to giddy up.

At ease, soldier.

Justin junior wants to come out and play.

We know he's not a tighty whitey man.

Hmm. The steroids obviously aren't causing any shrinkage here.

Yes, you can sit up. Now, beg and roll over.

What are you aiming for, Justin?

"Stand tall, stand proud..."

He's just finished a rousing rendition of "Tearin' Up My Heart."

He's driving himself crazy...it's expressing its "need to be free."

Justin, you're certainly making a good showing there!

How many socks do you have in there, Justin? (Thanks for the inspiration, Marie and Nika!)

Hey Justin. What's up? Oh, never mind. You don't have to answer. I can see from here.

This is wrong. We shouldn't be making fun of him, this is a very real and big problem. -F.G.

Well, not THAT big of a problem! -S.G.