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with Swampwoman

Welcome to my Back Porch. Since da front porch is fer visitin', This here's wheres us southern folk like ta come and talk bout stuff thats botherin' us. (cause we's dont want our neighbors stickin thar noses in our business. Dern nosey folks that they are) So.......does YA have somethin' on yer mind? Well dis' is da place ta git it fixed! Mind Ya, I'm not givin' any of that thar PRO-fessional advice. Jist good downhome horse sense. Jist use that thar fancy question box......and ask away!

And if'in Ya wants an answer,
be sure to check back cause will put yer answer rightch' here!

1. What R Ya waiting fer? This spot is empty!

Fancy Question Box is Webtv Only

Name -
E-mail -
Spit it Out! -

Or if'in ya gots yourself a BIG problem, or one of dem fancy doo-dahs called a computer, ya better use this here link!

Whew doggie Swampy! Its a Biggin'

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