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Sound Express

Wally Gator
Al-li-ga-tor \'ale,gator\n:

This here is Wally Gator. Now afore we go any further, I gotta tell ya sumpen' bout ol' Wally. He's the most fearsome, awnry, critter this side of the ol' Miss-is-sip. That is, in his own mind! Ol Wally's pro'lly one of the DUMBEST gators I ever did lay eyes on! Now I heerd the rumors about ol' Wally bein' the reason Pa's missin'. But that thar is jist heersay!

Anyway, that dern gator, he comes'a struttin' up here lyke he owned da place. Wantin' me ta feeds him people vittles. Sayin' he'd eat me if'in I didn't feeds him. Well ah tells ya, ya jist cant back down ta no gator. So I's stands rye up in his face and tells him. "Git yo sorry tail back home, afore I make luggage outta you!" And if'in that dont do it, a few good wacks on the snout with a newspaper use'lly does the trick. He actually dont mean no harm, he's jist kinda one of them goofy gators!

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