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Natalia Lipkovskaya

Nickname: Lipa

Birthday: 26. April 1979

Residence: Moscow, Russia

Languages: Russian, English

Club: Dynamo Krasnojarsk

Coach: Irina Viner, Olga Butanova

Started with RSG: 6 years old (1985)

Sportic aim: World Championships 1997

Hobbies: music, television

Other sports: roller skating

Natalia was the Silver Medalist at the 1997 World Championships. She is extremely flexible and beautiful to watch perform.

International Competition

1995 World Championships, Vienna, Austria; 83rd-AA, 6th-Clubs, 6th-Rope

1997 World Championships, Berlin, Germany; 2nd-AA, 2nd-Clubs, 1st-Hoop, 2nd-Ribbon, 2nd-Rope

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