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Stefanie Croyle

1998 Group World Championships Team Member

Date/Place of Birth: March 5, 1983/Boston, Mass.

Club: Rhythmflex Gymnastics

Coach: Catherine Yakhimovich, Marina Goncharuk

School: Sandy Spring Friends School

Year in School: 10th (Fall '98)

Began Gymnastics: 1989

Favorite Event: Ball

Hobbies: Dancing, collecting butterflies, listening to music

Stefanie is a former artistic gymnast who has crossed over into rhythmic gymnastics. A student at Sandy Spring Friends School, her favorite subject is math. She has a yellow Labrador retriever, Daisy. She is interested in pursuing a career in psychiatry or dance. She loves butterflies and carries a stuffed moose for good luck.

International Competition

1998 World Championships, Seville, ESP; 16th-AA group

1998 Kalamata Cup, Kalamata, GRE; 13th-group

1997 Aeon Cup, Tokyo, JPN; 23rd-AA, 17th-team (jr. div.)

National Competition

1998 Rhythmic National Championships, Colorado Springs, Colo.; 8th-AA, 9th-hoop, 7th-ribbon

1998 Rhythmic Challenge, Downers Grove, Ill.; 1st-group

1997 Junior National Championships, Houston, Texas; 10th-AA, 7th-hoop, 8th-ball

1996 Junior National Championships, Athens, Ga.; 11th-AA

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