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Past Tiger Sharks

Here are some pictures of Tiger Sharks that we have admired in years past and present!

WOW! Look at all these guys!

Click on a player's name to view picture:

David Geris, Aaron MacDonald, and Kirk DeWaele

Gary Gruber

Gary Grubber - again!

Kirk DeWaele, Louis Bedard, & Jimmy Paradise

Bob Woods & Wade Fennig

Louis Bedard

Dan Lupo and ME

Jed Fieblekorn and ME

Rodrigo Lavinsh

Rodrigo Lavinsh (again)

Rodrigo Lavinsh (yet again)

Sean O'Brien

Sean O'Brien (again)

Tobias Ablad

Tobias Ablad (again)

Mark Deazley

Cory Gustafson

Jimmy Paradise

Dave Geris

Dennis Maxwell

Cal Ingraham

David Dartsch

Aaron MacDonald

Aaron MacDonald (again)

Aaron MacDonald (yet again)

Louis Bedard

Mikhail Zdanovskiy

Rodrigo Lavinsh

RJ Enga

Several T-Sharks

Several More T-Sharks

Lots More T-Sharks

Even More T-Sharks!

Jimmy Paradise

Jimmy Paradise and Greg Geldart

David Lemanowicz

Mark Richards

Rob Laurie- PBH Champion 1998

Ron Pasco

Wade Fennig

Wade Fennig (again)

Wade Fennig and Me

Kirk DeWaele and Me

Some Tiger Shark Fans with Some Pensacola Ice Pilots

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5th Season Pictures

These pictures were all taken during the 1998-99 season. Please do not use without permission.


Mike Sancimino and Me

Brett Punchard

Brent Cullaton

Brian Farrell and Brent Cullaton

David Dartsch

Drew Palmer

Jan Kobezda and Cori

Jason Clarke

Pavel Smirnov

Alexei Krovopuskov

Reg Cardinal

Rick Nichol

Greg Taylor

TJ Tanberg

Mitch Vig

Golf Tournament March 1, 1999

This is a rather sad collection of pictures from the charity golf tournament held on 3/1/99.
I didn't have a lot of pictures turn out really great!
Some of you know why! :-)
If anyone has better pictures that you would like to put up here email me. I will be happy to add them.

Brett Punchard teeing off.

Brent Cullaton takes a swing.

Alexander LaPorte

Mike Sancimino was suprised when I pulled and up and said "HEY MIKE! Strike a pose!"

Brett Punchard in what we decided was his "Gilligan" look. Hey Brett, where's the professor? :-)

TJ Tanberg gives us a friendly wave.

Awards Banquet 1999

Alexei Krovopuskov gets and award.

Brian Farrell gets an award.

David Dartsch gets the Fan Favorite award.

Pavel Smirnov

Reg Cardinal

Brett Punchard

1998-1999 Assorted Pictures

Drew Palmer in his Kansas City Blades days.

Brett Punchard

Brent Cullaton in Ft.Myers

Garry Gruber signing autographs in Ft. Myers.

Jan Kobezda with fans in Ft. Meyers.

Brett Punchard in Ft. Meyers.

Pavel Smirnov and Alexei Krovopuskov at Pavel's wedding.

TJ Tanberg

Mike Sancimino, Brett Punchard, Tim Chase, & Jason Clarke skating with fans.

Brent Cullaton warming up.

Brent Cullaton playing shy.

Brett Punchard ready to score!

Brian Farrell at a Fin-A-Tics meeting.

Scott Chatier on the mend.

Scott Chartier at a Fin-A-Tics meeting.

Brent Cullaton

Brian Farrell takes the faceoff.

Brian Farrell handles the puck.

Greg "Tails" Taylor

Jan Kobezda stretches out.

Andy Silverman

Brian Farrell

Brent Cullaton

Dan Shermerhorn & Kirk DeWaele

Brian Farrell

Jason Clarke

Rodrigo Lavinsh

Louis Bedard & Kirk DeWaele

Pavel Smirnov

Greg Taylor

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