Wells Christmas 1998
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Christmas 1998


Dear Favorite People,

We are coming to the end of another year and are thankful to say we have many blessings to count. We have our health, so many friends and loved ones to stand by us, and survived the hard times and have become stronger.

As many of you may know this web site was designed as a Christmas gift for my sons’ grandfather, Jack T. Wells. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the web site, I am happy to say that the site has exceeded our hopes. We have made contact with so many lost family members and found links to new areas of our family tree. The site has grown and developed very nicely. I just wish I had more time to work the site to its full potential.

Like the web site, Jasen, Paris, & Austin have grown so much this year. Each has developed new interests and is busy maturing into young men. We are so proud of Austin this year as he has brought home the best grades of his young life. Paris has become the skate board king of our neighborhood. Jasen, after earning the "Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout, has entered into his first year of Boy Scouts. They are each growing so fast, it is hard to keep track of them.

We have enjoyed getting your e-mails so much this past year. It means a lot that you have wanted to share with us. Our lives have been enriched by your efforts to reach out and contact us. Please be sure to feel free to stay in contact with us. Now that we have met, it would be a shame to lose you.

Best Holiday Wish to All of You,Shawn, Jasen, Paris, & Austin
