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Charles Wells' Last Will

Tyler Co., W.VA.

Will Book 1, p. 8

Dec. 13, 1814

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN - I, Charles Wells of Tyler County in the state of Virginia do hereby make this my Last Will and Testament in form, and manner following to wit - After my decease and the payment of all my just debts and funeral charges I do desire the following. I do also leave to my said wife Elizabeth the Mansion House in which we now live with the farm thereto annexed (to wit)-

Beginning at the mouth of Wittens Run, thence with the wagon road leading to the Jug Handle Mill to the upper corner of the Tanyard lot, thence with the Run to the back line, thence with the lines of the Survey that includes said farm to the beginning; with all and singular the appurtenance thereunto belonging; with the rents, issues, and profits thereof, during her continuance of Widowhood as aforesaid.

Item 2. To my son Charles P. Wells he being already provided for, it is my will that he have nothing of my estate either real or per sonal, except whatever after my decease my said wife may gratuously give him out of the part intrusted to her disposal.

Item 3. To my son Nicholas Wells, he being already provided for, it is my will that he have nothing more of my estate either real or personal except whatever after my decease my said wife may gra,tuously give him of the part intrusted to her disposal.

Item 4. To my son Peregrine Wells I bequeath the two Tracts of Land I purchased from John and Ezekiel Clemons lying on the Long Reach; one adjoining the lands of William Johnson and Thomas Cochran, and the other the Lands of William Johnson and others, said to contain in all Six Hundred and Twenty-eight acres; to the said Peregrine Wells and his heirs or his assigns forever.

Item 5. To my son Eli Wells I give and bequeath my Mansion House and Farm upon which I now live and with which I have endowed my well beloved wife Elizabeth during her continuing my widow, to be after her dece2Cse or intermarriage, the sole property of my said son Eli: also that certain tract or parcel of land lying in the Ohio River and in the aforesaid County of Tyler, and known by and distinguished by the name of Pursley's Island; and supposed to contain Thirty acres; to the said Eli Wells and his heirs or assigns forever.

Item 6. To my grandson Charles Wells, son of my son Joshua Wells deceased, I give and bequeath all that tract of land upon which Nancy Wells widow of my said son Joshua formerly did live said to contain Two Hundred Acres; to the said Charles Wells and his heirs and assigns forever; on his paying to his sister Eliza Wells Five Hundred Dollars. And should the said Charles die without an heir; then and in that case the land to be divided equally among my first wife's children, namely Rebecca Miller, Benedict Wells, Temperance Talbot, Absalom Wells, Mary Owings and Elizabeth Weakley: to them and their heirs forever; by their paying the above named Eliza Wells, daughter of the said Joshua Wells deceased, Five Hundred Dollars.

Item 7. To my daughter Elizabeth Weakley I do bequeath Three Hundred Dollars to be paid by my executors hereinafter to be named.

Item 8. To my daughter Ruth Birckhead I give and bequeath One Thousand Acres of Land on Sugartree Creek, a branch of Middle Island Creek, adjoining land of Benjamin Lawrence, Richard Owings and others, beginning at a Sugar Tree in the forks of said Creek; and Two Hundred Dollars to be paid by my Executor hereafter to be named; to be h6rs and her heirs or assigns forever.

Item. 9. To my daughter Sarah Wells I give and bequeath a part of the tract of land I purchased from James Caldwell; beginning at the mouth of Whittens Run and running with the wagon road now leading to the Jug Handle Mill to the upper end of the Tanyard Lot, thence up the Run to the back line, thence with said line so far that a due west line come to the corner of the fence as it now stands that divides Simon Seamons and Lemual Scott lots; thence with the meanders of said fence to the River bank; thence with said river bank to the place of beginning be the same more or less; to her and her assigns forever. Also one half of a Tract of Land I located the 9th of May last in Ohio County Land Office, adjoining lands of the heirs-of John Williamson deceased; containing Four Hundred Acres; to her and her heirs or assigns forever.

Item 10. To my daughter Delilah Wells I give and bequeath all the residue or upper part of the aforesaid tract of Land purchased from James Caldwell whereon Samuel Scott now lives: also the one half of the aforesaid Tract I located the 9th of May last; to be divided by a straight line from the River bank between her and her sister Sarah, and her to have the lower part adjoining her other land. The two Tracts to be hers and her heirs or assigns forever.

Item 11. To my daughter Katy Adams Wells I give and bequeath all that Tract of Land I purchased from John Rolf, adjoining land of Joshua Howard, Thomas Jones and others, said to contain Five Hundred and Sixty-five Acres more or less; also Five Hundred Dollars to be paid by my executors, to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item 12. To my daughter Betsy Prather Wells I give and bequeath all that Tract of Land I purchased from Jeremiah Clemons adjoining Lands of Nicholas Wells and Thomas Cochran, said to contain Three Hundred and Fourteen Acres; to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item 13. To my granddaughter, Ruth Wells, daughter of Nicholas and Rachel Wells I will and bequeath that she have at the time of her marriage or attaining the age of twenty-one years, One Horse and Saddle to be valued to One Hundred Dollars; and One Hundred Dollars in cash to be paid by my executors.

Item 14. To my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament hereafter to be named, I will and bequeath One Hundred Dollars to each of them.

Item 15. To my children of my first wife hereafter to be named (to wit) Rebecca Miller, Temperance Talbot, Bendict Wells, Absalom Wells and Mary Owings, I consider that they have already received an equivalent portion of my estate either real or personal.

Item 16. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Charles P. Wells and Nicholas Wells my sole executors of this my Last Will and Testament. And I do hereby revoke and disannul all others by me heretofore made.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirtieth day of December Eighteen Hundred and Fourteen. (1814)

Charles Wells

Witnessed by-

John Whitten

George Sturgeon

Jerh Williams

Probated May term 1815. Recorded in Tyler Co. Court May term 1815.