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This site originated in the state of Florida, and is now being created from the state of Tennessee.

Please visit awhile
and see my world
as I created it
Thank You


While your here let me tell you
a few things about myself.
[you may not care, but let me tell it anyway].
As you can probably guess, this
site comes from the state of Florida,
which my wife and I migrated here 29yrs ago.
We came with two children [boy & a girl, of cause they moved on], and during the course
of these years, we gain 5 little treasures [grandchildren,now big]
My wife and I, just celebrated 50yrs of wedding bliss.
I always joked, that I felt like I was born married. But if the truth be known, my life began on that wedding day.
This Intro is Continued
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"I'll get this damn
thing fixed yet"

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