Famous Quotes!

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts

  • Trace said;
    "Love's meaning is life's secret."

  • 1. Jules from Cape Cod said;
    "Men are like buses,you miss one, there is another coming by in a few minutes."

    2. Fran from Illinois said;
    "Blessed are those who expect nothing,for they shall not be disappointed"

    3. Selina from Pennsylvania said;
    "You only live once so be sure you live well"

    4. Brenda from Asheville N.C. said;
    "Never postpone joy"

    5. Chuck from Michigan said;
    "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all"

    6. Sharon from Illinois said;
    "Every day above ground is a good one"

    7. Mindy from Alaska said;
    "Everything ends up somewhere"

    8. Jean from Michigan said;
    "Smile-it looks good on you"

    9. Kitty from Oregon said;
    "If it is a smile, give it away and keep on giving"

    10. Debbie from Utah said;
    "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend"

    11. Heidi from Montana said;
    "Do unto others"

    12. Brenda from Memphis said;
    "Bite me"

    13. Maryellen from Florida said;
    "Here today Gone tomorrow"

    14. Bowsquaw from West Virginia said;
    "Once Spoken you can not take it back"

    15. Karen from New York said;
    "Live and let live"

    16. Mary from Illinois said;
    "P.U.S.H. = Pray Until Something Happens"

    17. Shirley from Oregon said;
    "What goes around comes around"

    18.Mands from Canada said;
    "It's easy to be brave from a distance" -- from General Hospital [Gods gift to man...er...houswives :-P]

    19. Randi from Oregon said;
    "Tis better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"

    20.Ashely from Stamford Ct. said; "Whatever"

    21.Brenna from Philly said;
    "Dont believe in love at Love @ 1st site? or do i have 2 walk by u again?

    22.JoAnn from Conneticut said;

    23.Katherine from California said;
    "If anything can go wrong, it will, and in the worst possible way" -Murphy's Law "Clean your room NOW!!!!" -My Mother

    24. Amy from Ohio said;
    "People are like stained glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true identity is revealed only if there is a light from within. - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross"

    25. Jim from Ohio said;
    "He was born ignorant and he's been losing ground ever since."

    26.Michelle from the Bronx said;
    "boys r like pizza there only good when there hot"

    27.Mellissa from Tennessee said;
    'Next time you think your perfect try walking on water"

    28.Amy from Ohio said;
    "People are like stained glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true identity is revealed only if there is a light from within. - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross"

    29.Ken Maddox from Alabama said;
    "Be nice to the janitor, someday you may work for him."

    30.Mary from Murfreesboro Kentucky, said;
    "You bet your sweet bippy!" "

    31. Jules from Cape Cod Massachuesetts said;
    "Enjoy Life this is not a Dress Rehearsal"

    32.Al from Safety Harbor, Fla. said;
    "Life is a never ending learning experience"

    33.Dianne from Washington said;
    "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything!!!"

    34.Brittany from Orlando said;
    "as soon as your born, you start dieing, so live life like your supposed to"

    35.Katie from Michigan said;

    36.Steph from Iowa said;
    "There's only one way-the fairway"

    37.Kim from West Virginia said;
    "love without happiness is not love at all"

    38.Adam Nowek from Los Angeles said;
    "Give blood...Play hockey!!!"

    39.Elliott Ellsworth aka elmo said;
    "its not i who am crazy its i who am mad"

    40.Chandy from Canada said;
    "Smile, even if it is a sad smile, because sadder then a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile".

    41. Kimberly from Port St. Lucie said;
    "Every girl is looking to the "perfect" guy... Well if he were perfect, he wouldnt be a guy".

    42. Britney from Canada said;
    "Imaginary Friends R The Best!!"

    43. Tammi from the UK said;
    "Big personalities make up for small people, but small personalities don't make up for big people!"
    "Even if you don't like life, don't drop it, you might need it in the future!"
    "If the best things in life are free, why do I cost my parents money?"

    44. Sue from Illinois said;
    "to be or not to be"

    45. Savannah from California said;
    "A life lived in fear is a life half lived"

    46. Jennifer from Conneticut said;
    "Boys....can't live with them...can't live without them!"

    47. Sharon from Texas said;
    "We would often be sorry if our wishes came true."

    48. Blair fromEarth said;
    "Live life to the fullest."

    49. Kayla from Massachusettes said;
    "Get out of my wed." ??????

    50. Ashely from Florida said;
    "If you made your bed then sleep in it."

    51. Elona from California said;
    "Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember, to keep your feet...on the ground," ~Theodore Roosevelt~

    52. Scott from Scotland said;
    "It's funny cause it's not happining to me!!"

    53. Tara from Georgia said;
    "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, as long as it doesn't interfere with my flirting!!!!"

    54. Amanda from Florida said;
    When life hits you in the head with a decision, turn around and whak it harder.

    55. Divina from the Phillipines said;
    "Life is short, live life to the fullest!"

    56. Ben from Wakefield(England) said;
    "if u can`t do it,keep tryin"

    57. Anne van de Wijdeven from Holland said;
    "I wanna donut!"

    58. Chuck Blackledge Sr from Lake Ozarks , Missouri said;
    "Live for today, there may be no tomorrow"




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