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Meta TagWeb Page Special Effects (opening and closing)

Wow! The special transition effect you seen as you entered this page is all due to an easy to make Meta tag. Once you make your script then you will have to insert it into your webpage document. This special effect works only with Internet Explorer. Sorry,,, Netscape users won't be able to see the transition effect. Would you like to create a cool introduction for your web pages. You would? Then try this quick copy and paste Meta Tag script below (paste into the "Head" part of your web document). All you have to do is copy and paste the script into the "Head" part of your web document. But you may want to change the duration and the transition codes.

"Copy & Paste Meta Tag Page-Enter Script"

<META http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealTrans(Duration=5,Transition=23)">

"Copy & Paste Meta Tag Page-Exit Script"

<META http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealTrans(Duration=5,Transition=23)">

You can change the Duration by adding the amount of time you want the introduction to take place. Example-1(sec) , 2 (sec) ect.. You can change the Transition effect by adding a code from the list below.
0-Shrinking Box
1-Growing Box
2-Shrinking Circle
3-Growing Circle
4-Wipes upwards
5-Wipes downwards
6-Wipes to the right
7-Wipes to the left
8-Right moving stripes clear screen
9-Downward moving boxes
10-Right moving boxes
11-Downward moving boxes
12-pixel "Dissolve"
13-Horizontal curtain close
14-Horizontal curtain opening
15-Vertical curtain closing
16-Vertical curtain opening
17-Strips away screen going left - down
18-Strips away screen going left - up
19-Strips away screen going right - down
20-Strips away screen going right - up
21-Horizontal bars "Dissolve" screen
22-Vertical bars "Dissolve" screen
23-The random effect