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Who or What shall separate us from the love of Christ?


I put those situations in capitals because they're usually boldly and emphatically stated when trying to prove unconditonal eternal security. In fact many false prophets and teachers will go on to say: SIN, SUICIDE, BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT, DENYING JESUS, and much more!!! They say, "You'll lose a few rewards, but you'll still make it into those pearly gates up in the sky where Jesus has His arms open wide to recieve you" ---!!!VAIN WORDS!!!--- full of lies and hyprocrisy!!! 2Timothy 2:12-13 is popularly misquoted. It not only says, but agrees with the entirety of scripture that, "if we deny Him: He also will deny us:"

Notice that in Romans 8:35-39 all the things Paul mentioned were outside forces coming against a believer, not inward forces (freewill & personal choices) no mention of "sin" separating you from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, because both God and the apostle Paul said elsewhere that sin would separate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isaiah 59:1-2
Romans 8:12-15
Galations 5:19-21
Galations 6:7-8
Ezekiel 18:4,13,18,20,26
Ezekiel 3:17-21

Notice also that when we read Numbers 23:19-24, we see the same principle and characteristic of God; keep in mind that all these things written in scripture are as a monument and written for our adomintion, upon whom the ends of the world are come; and they're written for our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted!!! You see, God's holiness has not changed!!! He's still the same!! Thou art the same forever O God!!! "Grace" made a way for us to come to Him, to legitally be called the sons and daughters of God with no middle wall of partition!! And our attitude towards this marvellous Grace should declare, "To God alone", not ourselves,"be All the Glory!!!!"

In Numbers 23:19-24; Balaam was trying to curse (outward forces) Israel (the covenant people of God). He could curse them all day long, any way, shape, or form, but could not prevail as long as they were right standing with God, nothing could separate them!!! But when they sinned (inward forces, choices, decisions) the wrath of God by the holy nature of God was forced to come upon them.

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear

When a wicked man turns from his wickedness, what will happen unto that man?


When a righteous man turns from his righteousness, what will happen unto that man?

If you say that the unrighteous man will get saved, but the rghteous man that turns, nothing will happen to him; you're unequal and declare God as not the righteous judge. {the rod of the wicked will not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniqiuty--Psalm 125:3}

Grace? or disGrace?

What if a man was brought forth before the courts today in our society on murder, rape and drug charges. But the judge (which in this case will represent God) not willing that any man perish, showed him grace, forgave him and released him. The man recieves the grace the judge offers, says I love you and will devote my life to you. The sloppy agape preachers of today will say that whether in the natural case or a spiritual case, that if that man after being released decides to go out and rape and murder some more that he will never have to give an account for new charges brought against him; "because one day about five years ago the judge forgave me of all the wrong things I did and I will never have to fear ever being arrested if I go out today and do even those same crimes today; I'll just show the officer the paper of the judge forgiving me and the officer will have to let me go!" Now how ridicuous does that sound. In the natural case, do you really think that is going to happen? Is that justice or injustice? Does that make God the righteous judge that He is? The Bible doesn't say that you're past, present, and future sins are forgiven you upon that intial time! Past and everything up to that present point in time, yes. But future sins so that what he does from now on doesn't matter, no. We would not have any need for an Advocate with the Father! But if we sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous and upon confessing and forsaking that sin His blood will cleanse us from all unrighteousness and He will say go and sin no more It's His Blood that is eternal and for all past, present, and future generations! He will forgive the sins of anyone in any of those eras because He is the same, He will forgive; not that future sins which you may or may not commit are forgiven you!

But these are ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness. They speak great swelling words and allure through the lusts of the flesh. They strengthen the hands of evil doers and promise them uncondtional eternal security (Ezekiel 13:22) Thay say still unto them that despise the Lord, saying ye shall have peace, no evil shall come upon you (Jeremiah 23:17) They are wells without water, clouds without rain, appearing as sheep, but inwardly they're ravenous wolves transforming themselves into the ministers of righteousness (apostles of Christ) whose end shall be according to their works; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. That may sound harsh, but everything I have written is according the Bible!

And based on the authority of 1Timothy 1:20; 2Timothy 2:17 I will warn you of one of these men, sadly and brokenhearted because he's a man, prominet, highly respected even of believers who do know the truth, but that just goes to show you Jesus' words that He said if it were possible that even the very elect would be decieved! Charles Stanely is one of the paramount advocates of many heresies: unconditonal eternal security, the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire{like as that of the apostles and early church}, the unpardonable sin{blaspheming the Holy Spirit}, suicide, etc. But many believers will continue to support him, bid him God speed, and say things like, "he's a good Bible teacher", compared to 850 of Jezebel's false prophets, maybe; but compared to the apostles, prophets and Jesus Christ, no way. You better believe the Bible if you want to make it to Heaven, it's our compass, our road map, the acid test to everything (Jude 16) For me to tell you of the heresies and knowing who teaches them but not naming them, would be a great injustice, I don't want you to suffer the same damnation they're going to!!! The reason I dare to name them, as Paul did, is because many Christians will say "Amen" to the truth, but they'll still hold men's persons in admiration because of advantage; and Beloved, you will not stand before that man at the last day, it will be before God!!! (I don't know who's who in the christian hollywood or I would warn you of more; but I have to say. A true Christian when being confronted about heresy will repent like Peter did when Paul confronted him)

Let God be true and every man the liar!!! (including this one; according to the Word of God!) Amen & Amen
The Love of Christ Jesus constraineth me,
Douglas J

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear

Email: sWord of the Lord