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well well... seems we've gotten into some problems with our pages, eh? i really have no idea how. the thing is- i just have one... very blunt message for all you netscape users. [and dont take offence to this but..i just have to say it!] netscape is good for nothin these days, apparently. sooo i'm here to warn you our page apparently does NOT work for netscape users. WHY netscape seems to be special in its own way and won't allow certain things, i do NOT know. but see- the official tyler page is made with Internet Explorer 5 ... or whatever one it is now. i never purposely put "only IE compatible" stuff on the page, i guess the comptuer automatically does this when i make the pages! i have tried to simplify the page for the few netscape users out there, but apparently it is still not acceptable... soo, i just dont know what to do. how do i make a webpage thats netscape compatible when i dont know how to use netscape anymore?? i guess i'll download netscape someday and use it to make 2 seperate tyler pages... but that WILL be a lot of work- so who knows if i'll be UN-lazy enough to do it! ;) hopefully.
however, i DO have a simpler suggestion for all of you. netscape users? i'm sorry but- get internet explorer! it's the way the internet works these days i think, since i believe the majority of internet users now use IE4+. and don't mark me wrong, i'm not gettin mad at anyone or anything for their choice of software! i just dont know WHAT to do anymore in order to fix it! i used to be a netscape person myself, then realized one day- it isnt WORKIN... soo i've gone to IE and shall not go back...
i have changed layouts numerous times for netscape users and NOTHING.. i mean nothing, seems to work for you guys, sooo, i send out my deepest apologies! i really dont know what it could be.... a pull down menu? that's impossible for that not to work. everything else on the page is just writing and links..! ?? i'm confused, i'll hafta research.
so thanks for listening, i hope ya... either find a way to view the tyler page, or i help you find a way! in the meantime, MY suggestion? go here: microsoft downloads.

thank you, and i apologize for any inconvenience.

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