League: UFFL 8/16/99 Week 1 Steers Beers a Alvarado Sharks Bloated Goats a Cobras KC Mad Hatters a Da Bubbas The Terminators a The Axe of War The Jabroni's a Small World Jax Wolverines a Colorado Thunderhawks Week 2 Alvarado Sharks a The Jabroni's Da Bubbas a Cobras KC Mad Hatters a Bloated Goats Colorado Thunderhawks a The Terminators Small World a Steers Beers The Axe of War a Jax Wolverines Week 3 Steers Beers a The Jabroni's KC Mad Hatters a Cobras Bloated Goats a Da Bubbas The Axe of War a Colorado Thunderhawks Alvarado Sharks a Small World The Terminators a Jax Wolverines Week 4 Steers Beers a KC Mad Hatters The Jabroni's a Cobras Jax Wolverines a Da Bubbas Small World a Colorado Thunderhawks Alvarado Sharks a The Axe of War The Terminators a Bloated Goats Week 5 KC Mad Hatters a Colorado Thunderhawks Jax Wolverines a The Jabroni's Da Bubbas a Alvarado Sharks Bloated Goats a Small World Cobras a The Axe of War The Terminators a Steers Beers Week 6 Alvarado Sharks a KC Mad Hatters Small World a Jax Wolverines Colorado Thunderhawks a Da Bubbas The Jabroni's a Bloated Goats Steers Beers a The Axe of War The Terminators a Cobras Week 7 KC Mad Hatters a The Jabroni's Bloated Goats a Jax Wolverines Colorado Thunderhawks a Alvarado Sharks The Axe of War a Small World Cobras a Steers Beers Da Bubbas a The Terminators Week 8 The Terminators a KC Mad Hatters Alvarado Sharks a Jax Wolverines Colorado Thunderhawks a Bloated Goats Small World a Cobras The Jabroni's a The Axe of War Steers Beers a Da Bubbas Week 9 The Terminators a Alvarado Sharks KC Mad Hatters a Small World Cobras a Jax Wolverines Bloated Goats a Steers Beers Da Bubbas a The Axe of War Colorado Thunderhawks a The Jabroni's Week 10 Alvarado Sharks a Bloated Goats Small World a Da Bubbas The Jabroni's a The Terminators The Axe of War a KC Mad Hatters Steers Beers a Jax Wolverines Colorado Thunderhawks a Cobras Week 11 Cobras a Alvarado Sharks Da Bubbas a The Jabroni's The Terminators a Small World Bloated Goats a The Axe of War KC Mad Hatters a Jax Wolverines Colorado Thunderhawks a Steers Beers Week 12 Alvarado Sharks a The Jabroni's Da Bubbas a Cobras Small World a Steers Beers The Axe of War a Jax Wolverines KC Mad Hatters a Bloated Goats Colorado Thunderhawks a The Terminators Week 13 The Jabroni's a Small World Bloated Goats a Cobras Steers Beers a Alvarado Sharks The Terminators a The Axe of War KC Mad Hatters a Da Bubbas Jax Wolverines a Colorado Thunderhawks