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Linda's Lookout

We're glad to have you visiting with us for a while.....

This is me, Linda. I am "thirtysomething" and have been a licensed real estate broker since I was 18. I attended Stetson University and UCF. This is our first attempt at a web page and was done all in one night, so I'm sure it will be improving over time. Please come visit again.

This is my darling daughter, Jessica. She turned three on the 3rd day of May, 1998. She is a real ham. Loves to dress up and clown around. Days when she can go swimming at Mimi's house are special for us all.

Here I am with my grandmother in 1995 on my wedding day.

This is me at six years of age.

Uncle Mike, Jessica, and me........

Halloween 1996

My Favorite Links

Be sure to visit Mom's page; she's to blame for all of this!

Visit Cousin Jenn's page.....

Cousin Jeff's Page.....

Don't miss Sgt's Page. Rob is my older brother. He's a sweetie!

Mike is my younger brother and a real Sweetheart, too.

My little girl's page.

