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When do we get java?

JAVA! JAVA! JAVA! STARBUCKS! STARBUCKS! STARBUCKS! How many times do I have to tell you they make much better coffee than WebTV?

How do I change users?

Simple. Give the keyboard to your wife. Play fair, guys. Equal time for the little woman.

How does the clock in email work?

If I've told you once, I've told you twice, it is a very simple instrument. Every day when you log on, go to setup and wind up the darned clock. What did you think the key on the back was for? You people have been in cyberspace way too long. Get in touch with reality once in a while.

I have two questions to ask....

NOT ALLOWED!! Only one question per post. If the mods let you ask two questions, before you know it people would ask three, four, or God forbid (and He has) ten questions. How do you expect the mods to keep the threads straight? They have enough to do without untangling all those snarled threads. Give the mods a break, pal.

Help! Why does WebTV have to shut down every week? I tried to get on this morning and they said they were down for maintenance. Can't they let me on? What am I going to do without my WebTV for 3 hours a week? I must get on line, I can't stand it, I can't take it anymore!

Oh my, it sounds like you are addicted to WebTV. The only reason WebTV shuts down is so you have web free time to go to a meeting for addicts like you. WebTV tried to set up a newsgroup for cyberholics, but it was so busy that the system crashed.

I have a problem with my keyboard freezing up. Any suggestions?

This is a common keyboard problem. Try warming it in a 350 degree oven for twenty minutes before using it. I have also heard that a wood stove works just as well for all you users without electricity.

What is that red line next to the green arrows on the screen?

What green arrows? I don't have any arrows! Did they come with the last upgrade? Hey, WebTV, send old Webster some green arrows, will ya? Which direction do they point?

What is the power button for?

Sometimes the answer is so obvious, I can't believe you would ask the question. Use the power button when you want to get the upper hand.


