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Message from Wade

To the fans in Tallahassee, Obviously it has been announced that I have signed with the Colorado Gold Kings of the WCHL. I actually did not officially sign until Friday, July 24. For some reason it was leaked to the press early. I apologize because I had planned on notifying this websight before I sent my contract in. I would like to thank all of you for your support over the last year. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but I had not received any sort of an offer from the Tiger Sharks and am not the person to wait all summer. I wish the organization the best of luck and hope it gets back on track in 1998/99. For me, this is an opportunity to continue playing the game I love and get a chance to see another part of the country. The chance to play with my good friend R.J. again is an added bonus. I have just received word that Cal has signed in Boise so it will be fun to play against him as well. I am truly sorry that I will not be coming back. I know when I left last year I said that if I was going anywhere it would be back to Tallahassee. The reality is that this game things happen so often that are out of your control. You just have to roll with the punches, I guess. The people I met and the times I shared in Tallahassee will always be held close to my heart. I wish everyone the three h's. Health Hope and Hapiness in the future. Thank you for all the unconditional support you give all of us. Win or lose. Your Friend Always, Wade

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