Chapter 11

Ch. 11 Escaping

Zac put his hand around Kelley’s shoulder as they walked and blew into her ear. She giggled slightly, but was interrupted by a ringing.

"What the hell!" kelley screamed agitated! "Your stupid phone ruined our moment you pimp!" she screamed at taylor playfully, They had become close in a brother-sister way. Wara laughed at kelley,

"Girl you lay off of my man ok? And sweetie answer your phone already!"

"oh oopsies," he said as he picked it up and pressed the green button.

"Hello?" taylor answered.

"oh hey tay, um it’s mom…dad and I have to go up to Tulsa for a few days because Aunt Kim is in labor. We’ll be back on Tuesday. The kids are coming with us. So…you, ike, and zac are on your own. Are you going to be responsible?!"

"BREATH mom!" Taylor laughed, "And yes we’ll be on our best behavior!"

"OK, bye…I love you"

"yep I love you too mom" taylor said as he pressed ‘end.’ Taylor looked at the other’s

"heheh! We’re free!" they all did a little ‘victory dance.’

"So, you guys can crash at our place tonight if you want." Wara offered.

"Oh that sounds good," Tay said and called ike to tell them their plans.

They decided the night was young and headed to "Lick" which was a teen dance club near Kelley and wara’s house.

They entered the doors and flashed their I.Ds, a loud song played, naturally, Kelley was the first out there dancing her heart out. The others couldn’t help but laugh as she worked the crowd.

"Hey Zac you better hurry up! Guys are starting to hit on me!" Kelley screamed.

"oh no they don’t!" Zac yelled and ran to her side. Wara glanced over at a girl wearing close to nothing and grinding with a guy.

"That’s my biggest fear" Wara said looking at the girl. Tay followed his eyes to wear wara was looking.

"what is babe?"

"That…you see that girl over there using her body, she’s probably a prostitute or something. My biggest fear is ending up like her and so many other girls. I haven’t had the best child hood, and my parents are far from ideal. I just hope that I can keep doing what I’m doing and be a great person, beating the odds. Become that 1% that goes above family problems and ends up a great person with a family and husband. I don’t want to be taken advantage of because I’m weak, I want to be strong." Wara said growing teary eyed. Taylor kissed her lips lightly.

"you’re the strongest person I know war, and that’s what I love so much about you…you’re gonna be that 1%, and I intend to be there with you the whole time." She kissed him back.

"Did you just say you loved me tay?"

"Yeah, I think I did." She kissed him more passionately this time and then pulled away.

"I think this conversation is a little bit too deep for a night club" she said laughing.

"Yeah let’s go." Tay said pulling Wara onto the dance floor. ‘Angel’ by Sara M. began to play over the loudspeaker.

"Oh I love this song." Kelley said looking deeply into Zac’s milky eyes.

"Yeah me too" Zac said returning the gaze into Kelley’s blue ones.

Her hands found his neck and his found her waist. Kelley rested her head on Zac’s shoulder and kissed his neck. She looked over to Wara and Tay who were also dancing. Wara really did look in love. Who knows what happened between the 2 of them, but whatever it was she was glad of it. They totally deserved each other, finally wara had found love…

"Kel, what you thinking about?" Zac asked noticing Kelley’s mind had drifted.

"Just how cute tay and wara are over there dancing."

"Well, what about how cute we are!?" "Yeah we are pretty cute." Kelley said looking deeply into his eyes again. She rested her head back on his shoulder. Zac’s hands began to wonder.

"Hey are you keeping your hands north of the border?"

"nope." He responded with confidence. She removed his hands from her ass, and returned them to her waist. The game continued through most of the song. Zac putting his hands on her ass, kelley removing his hands from her ass. After awhile she gave up,

"O shit it! Feel me up if you like, I give up on trying to make you act like a gentleman."

"Ok, if you insist…" Zac said

"Oh, too bad the songs over let’s go!" Kelley said with a witty smile on her face.

"oh damn it!" Zac said jokingly.

The 2 headed out into the crowd searching for Wara and Taylor. And there they were…sitting on the stairs wrapped in each other’s arms.

"Tay scored!" Zac whistled.

"Yep I sure as hell did." Tay said pulling away from wara.

"So, you guys ready to go?" Kelley asked the couple.

"Yeah sure," Wara responded for her and Taylor.

The four were approaching the door when they heard a voice calling out.

"Hey sexy! Where are you and your legs headed?" A seemingly attractive guy questioned Kelley. Zac glared at him.

"She’s leaving with me, k?" Zac screamed and flicked him off.

"Zaccy, he was kinda cute! Don’t be so mean!" Kelley whined.

"Are you serious?!" Zac screamed not yet fully understanding Kelley’s humor.

"Nope. How could I be when I’m in love with you!?" Kelley said in her sexy voice. He saw the guy watching them. Zac pulled her close and kissed her passionately pushing his tongue into her mouth. In order to make the guy even more jealous, he reached his arm down to her hem (which was pretty short) and rubbed her thigh. He felt he was finished and pulled away.

"Prove your point?" Kelley asked.

"Yes I did thank you." ************************************************************

Wara and Taylor decided not to wait for Zac to prove himself to this fag and headed out to the car.

"I had so much fun tonight Taylor, you really aren’t an Mmmbopping fruit!" Wara said once they were inside the car.

"I told you so."

"Zac and Kel are taking a long time in there!" Kelley noticed

"Yeah well I’d do the same think if someone tried to make the moves on you… Wara, how do you feel about me?" Wara was just about to respond when Zac and Kelley got into the car.

"Oh you ruined it Zac, I was just about to find out how she felt about me!" Taylor said to himself.

The four joked around until they reached the house. They went inside and Wara announced she would be back in a sec. She came out about 5 minutes later with her dress removed and flannels and a tank top on. Taylor looked at her.

"How can you look hot no matter what you have on?" Taylor asked captivated by her. She giggled and pressed her lips to his.

"Well, Zac and I are going to my room…we’ll see you 2 lovers later." Kelley announced. Wara waved them off with her free hand.

Chapter 10
Chapter 12- Coming Soon
Is Love Real?
