Chapter 16

Ch. 16 Parents

"Come on!" Wara said pulling Taylor into the line for the flume. Taylor looked up as he saw a dozen people in a large boat that flipped all the way upside down.

"War…I think I’m gonna be sick"

"oh poo you’ll be fine!!" Wara said kissing his lips.

"Wara, why don’t you live with your mom?" Taylor asked curiously.

"Well, she’s one of those Mom’s who don’t really know how to be a mom. I never really had a dad, he just wasn’t really talked about. And, my mom was always bringing weird men home and stuff, but after awhile the men would get all mad when they’d see me, like ‘oh no you have a kid?’ So, I guess you could say she cared more about them then me." Wara paused and took a breath. "So, when I was 13 she decided that instead of bringing guys to our house, she’d go to theirs. She’d be gone for really long periods of time. And eventually, last year she found a guy who she wanted to marry, so she did. The catch is: he doesn’t know about me. So she lives with him in Tampa. I don’t see her very often, but she sends me money every month—probably the best parenting move on her part yet." Wara finished and wiped a tear from her eye.

"sorry I put you on the spot like that…" Tay said holding her close.

"hey no problem, it’s cool for me because I kinda want to hurry up and get to know you so I can say that I love you." Wara said and kissed his lips softly. About 5 minutes later they got to the front of the line.

The ticket boy did a one over on Wara.

"She’s mine." Taylor said forcefully looking the guy straight in the eye. The couple got on their seats and pulled the harness down.

"you look hot when you’re nervous!" Wara giggled.

"Who said I’m nervous!?!"

"I did." Wara said whipping her head around pretending to be a gangster bitch.

The ride lurched forward and began to tilt the ship upside down on it’s pendulum. Taylor reached out and grabbed Wara’s hand.

"not nervous huh!?"

"Nope I uhhh just want to hold your hand."


Kelley and Zac decided they were just too good to wait in lines, so well they just cut. They had already been on the Kumba twice, because of Kelley insistence, and were now headed to the Mondu.

"I love roller coasters, when I was little my parents used to take me here all the time." Kelley said as she walked, heading for the Mondu.

"Kel, what happened to your parents?"

"Well, my Dad was a heavy alcoholic, and him and my mom were driving home one day from a party, and he ran them off the side of I-10. He was really drunk, as he usually was." Kelley said wiping her eyes of tears. Zac just stood there.

"Even though he was an alcoholic, he still had his good days; Days when he wouldn’t beat my Mom and I, and for some crazy reason, I loved him. My mom was like this high school beauty, and she really didn’t have much behind her besides that. I guess you could say she was flaky, she never stood up for me when my Dad beat me, so I didn’t think she loved me."

"when did you go live with Wara?"

"Well, Wara had been my best friend from like the cradle on, and it just seemed like the only thing to do. I asked her mom if she would adopt me, and let me live with Wara, so that I wouldn’t have to go live in a home. And she said yes." Kelley couldn’t take it anymore. She sat down on the bench and cried. "Sometimes I wonder if there’s anyone out there that loves me." She said after getting a hold of herself.

"I love you more then anything in the whole world." Zac said stroking her hair.

She lifted her head from his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

"thanks…I needed that." She said

She lightly kissed his lips.

"Sorry for being such a wet blanket! I’m going to ruin your day at Busch gardens. Come on let’s go to the Mondu! You’re gonna love it!" She said pinching his ass as he walked along.

Kelley and Zac walked to the line and saw that their was a man being escorted off the grounds for cutting in lines.

"ha!" Zac laughed.

Kelley nudged him in the stomach and said "we better wait in line." They looked up to the clock that told how long the wait would be.

"umm…yea it is only 45 min." Kelley smiled showing her white teeth. The couple stood in line, they talked when they needed to and kissed when their was a man to piss off or a woman/gal lusting for Zac. Kelley and Zac had off making people mad. Then Zac turned around and saw that there was a bunch of teeny-bopper gals looking their way.

"o shit…I hope I don't look like my self today" Zac whispered, kelley turned around and looked at zac and was about to ask why but saw the answer.

"Oh…umm…Mikey! Stop!" Kelley giggled before the girls thought were able to concluded that her man was the MAN!

"Kel-Babe!I love you" Zac/Mikey tickled.
