Chapter 18

Chapter 18-Interruption or miracle?

"We’re home Taylor bellowed as he reached the Hanson’s beach house.

"What!? Ahh tay don’t scare me like that!" Kelley yelped shooting her head up and pulling tay’s hair.

"Hey, chick…don’t pull the hair!" Tay said smoothing his hair down getting out of the car.

They all got there stuff out of the trunk and dragged it inside.

"It’s 5:00, so I’m going to take a nap before dinner" Wara said.

"Yeah me too! I’m so tired"

"Girl, you just woke up! All you do is sleep!" Zac whined.

"Well, sorry…Can I have your bed?"

"Yeah go ahead." Kelley headed to Zac’s room, and Wara to Tay’s. ******************************************************

"So, bro, what’s up with you and Wara?"

"I really, don’t know…she said we should get to know each other better before we get into all the "love" crap. I wish she didn’t have her head on so damn straight!" Tay said taking a sip from his glass.

"Yeah, well be patient! I’m going to take a nap." Zac stood up.

"Take a nap my butt!" Tay laughed settling down on the couch. ‘maybe I should just give Wara some space.’ He thought.


Zac walked into his room where kelley was laying, staring at the ceiling.

"Whatever happened to sleeping?" He said sitting down beside her.

"I couldn’t fall asleep for some reason."

Zac shifted his weight and lightly kissed her lips. Kelley put her arms around his neck gently and he lay down on top of her. The 2 lay in each other’s arms for awhile, slipping kisses.

"Man it’s hot," zac said slipping his shirt off.

"Yeah I’m hot too…" Kelley said lightly.

"Well…let me help you" he said slipping her tank top over her head. She lay there limply as he caressed her with kisses. He pulled her shorts off so she lay there in only her bathing suit.

"you are so hot," He said rubbing her stomach. He untied her halter strap and the top of the bathing suit slipped down revealing her breasts which he lightly kissed.

"Zac and kelley come on! It’s time to go!" Taylor’s voice bellowed pulling the two apart.

"Man he sucks!" Zac said grabbing his shirt.

Kelley just sat there not knowing whether Taylor’s voice was ad interruption or a miracle.
