Chapter 4

Ch. 4 -Great Skin, Two Blonds and what else-

"I love Living with you Wara , and especially living on siesta Key" Kelley Said.

"Hey I love living ya too" Wara said to Kelley. Whose tears were now gone.

"Sorry I'm being so sappy ,Wara ,it's just that movie does somethign weird to me!!" Kelley said.

"Yeah I've noticed." wara snickered while putting a big "L" for loser on Kelley's forehead.

Kelley grabbed her Clinique compact from her mesh bag and began checking every centimeter of her angular face. "KELLEY STOP IT!" wara screamed.

"Girl, keep your voice down, the whole beach probably heard you. And, you know not all of us have beautifully perfect skin like you." Wara began to blush and slightly shrink back, she knew she was self conscience, but she was afraid if she began to get to into herself she would be labeled "conceded or stuck up" as she often was, even when she did cover herself with all the material in China. Kelley just couldn't understand why Wara would possibly want to hide her figure! her philosophy is, "God gave it to you, so girl show it off!!" . Kelley was the one who enjoyed flaunting herself, but also liked to keep a little mystery so she could keep a guy wondering.

While the two girls were wrapped up in their own thoughts, The Moron and Kelley's new interest were having their own conversation a few yards up the beach…

"So Dude, you still falling hard for that hot girl from yesterday?" asked the Moron who already knew the answer to his question.

"What's it to you?!" He asked .

"Umm well you know I was just thinking maybe we could double date with her hot, I mean nice friend." The Moron stuttered.

"GOD!!!!! ahh you actually like her don't you!!!?"

"Umm no, where'd you get an idea like that, I was only suggesting that in order to make things easier for you."

"sure whatever." Kelley's interest stated, obviously unconvinced. Kelley spotted Her hot blond. "here goes nothin'" she said as she ran her fingers through her hair and put her best "take me I'm yours face" on. Wara sighed and followed Kelley down the beach to the 2 blond haired boys who were getting seemingly better looking as the days went by. He saw the two girls from yesterday approaching and kicked his moron friend in the shin.

"hey !" He said.

"Hey, get that cheesy look off your's just me!" kelley responded in her teasing flirty way.

Wara retreated to watching the sunset on the dock. The blond Moron closely followed without her knowing. The hot blond and Kelley continued talking, both thinking so many things that they wanted to say, but just couldn't in fear of rejection.

Wara sat down and let out a big sigh. "will there ever be anyone out there who can just make me happy!?!?" she wistfully thought.

"hey, can I sit down?" he meekly asked.

"yeah sure, go ahead," wara said deciding she would be half pleasant.

"Kelley and My brother seem to really have it for each other." He said trying to start conversation.

"listen, if he breaks her heart, I will personally knock the day lights out of him." Wara stated knowing exactly how it felt to have a heart broken.

"Breaking hearts doesn't run in the family, trust me."

"Every guy can break a heart, it's a known fact, so don't try to cover it up." Wara said knowingly.

"Well, if you don't give me a chance you may never find out whether I'm telling the truth or not." A little smile escaped onto Wara's glossy lips which he lightly touched with his finger tips, "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself," He apologized.

"Well, for some odd reason, I don't mind." Wara said.

"You know, you're going to make me go crazy." he whispered under his breath. Wara finally noticed how attractive he was. The two looked out Over the dock to where His brother and Kelley were. Both with the same pleasant Thought of love on their minds.

Kelley and her man had been talking for what seemed about an hour. Kelley had established the fact that He WAS "the Zac Hanson", that he And his brothers were actively planning a comeback of Hanson soon, and That he was definitely ready for love after all of his years on Tour (hehe and yes Kelley was praying she could give that to him).

Zac Had learned that Kelley had been through a lot with her family, although She was still free spirited despite it all; she was also a great Listener, and seemed to support him in all that he wanted. He knew he Liked her before, but his interest in her was deepening every moment.

"Look Tay and Wara seem to really be kicking it off over there." Zac Noticed.

"Yeah, I'm glad, he seems like a really nice guy."

"Well, duh!! It runs in the family!" Kelley laughed and kissed zac's lips.

Zac just couldn't hold his smile in and it spread across his face. "Maybe we could double date with them on Friday." Zac suggested

"you Read my mind!"

"I guess we have ESP" Zac joked. Zac grabbed Kelley's Hand in order to help her up. They walked down the dock, hand in hand in order to tell Tay and Wara their news. "So what's your name? I'm Taylor," He said very spirited.

"I am Wara".

"That a very unusual name, but it is really pretty" Taylor said, thinking of a way to ask Wara to go out with him, but didn't know how to after he would tell her he was the one and only "TAYLOR HANSON". 'I don't have to tell her YET!' He thought mischievously.

"Well, I better get going I have to get ready, My Mother is Taking Kelley and I out. She hardly ever see us, we live alone" Wara answered looking down to the grass. 'GODDAMN! HE is Hot but he is too quiet' Wara thought to herself.

"Oh Kelley is your sister?"

"No, No! She is My best friend, she lived with me ever since her 13th birthday, her parents died in a horrible car accident" Wara answered telling him more than he asked. He saw that their was also lots of pain in wara's eyes.

'What has she been through that makes her so mysterious?' He asked himself. "How Old are you?" Taylor asked.

"I'm 15 I am turning 16 in Nov. and Kelley is 14" Wara answered. "Well I better go! Bye it was nice meeting you Taylor!" Wara yelled walking toward Kelley and Taylor's brother who were approaching the now separated couple.

"Wara, We, Zac and I, were thinking that you and Taylor could double date with us!" Kelley asked with her cheerleader Voice going on.

"Kelley he doesn't like me. And Stop with the Dumb voice" Wara said rather rudely.

"Oh! Ok! I am sorry! But don't get that attitude with me Wara!" Kelley angered by the moment.

"Aha! We need to go Kelley! My mom is taking us out." Wara said trying to be nice.

"Bye Zac"

"Bye Babe! I will call you" Zac shouted to the moving Brunette.

Back to Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Is Love Real?
