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Coming Soon for Andrews Fans

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The Orphan Series
"Butterfly" - May 98
"Crystal" - June 98
"Brooke" - July 98
"Raven" - August 98
"The Runaways" - December 98
Prequel to Logan
"Olivia" - January 99
Late 99 Brand New Series coming out!"Shadow" About a bi-racial girl trying to find out about her past.
Rumor: Another mini-book series called "The Wildflowers" about four girls will be out in the future. The books will be named "Misty", "Star", "Jade", and "Cat". The last book of the four mini books will be named "In to the Garden".
Landry series filmed containing the first three novels in the series but not signed to a television network.
Rumor: WB will be making a "Runaways" series.
Future events will be posted.
Note: sometimes release dates and book titles change.
