"Hi, I'm *N Sync," "and we're Brittney Spears..."

If you watched MTV News 1515, last Friday, January 22, then you know that Brittney Spears was on it...and like ten seconds of *N Sync. But hey, I'm not complaining- ten seconds is worth recording, right? Well I know that a lot of *N Sync humor pages out there aren't much Brittney fans. I'm not much of a fan myself, but I do like the "...Baby one more time" song. I can't say that I hate her but I can't say that I like her either. But here's a few things from MTV News 1515 concerning Brittney that I wanted to make fun of.

* Brittney's mom: "She sang all the time to the point that it would be annoying." Annoying? Yeah, I'd say that's about right.

* Brittney on Star Search: I swear she would've popped a vein in that scene. And I couldn't help but notice the constipation either. Good Lordy, child!

*Ewww, how ugly is that!? Even if I were a Brittney teenybopper, I sure as hell wouldn't find myself singing her song out on the street! Spare yourselves the humiliaton, people!

* Oh you know that I'm just lovin' that slutty look she's sportin'. Yeah, the pink see through shirt and visible bra is always a must!

* Wow! Girl can really put on a show (I smell sarcasm!)! She really makes you look forward to seeing her in concert, now does she? Shoot, who needs *N Sync!? I've got some out of tune, microphone stuck up my @$$ quality singing, bebeh!

* Brittney's older brother: "You wonder what the big deal is."
Hey, you and me both buddy.

* John Norris: "Do you have any other favorite singers besides your sister?"
Brittney's lil sister: "Ummmm...*N Sync."

How convenient! They were just about to mention them.

* You know, I have to say that I'm gaining more and more respect for Chris everyday.
Chris: "Do you wanna the truth? Or do you wanna hear what Brittney wants us to say?"
The loads of sarcasm made me LMAO!

* Brittney singing: "Hit me**SQUEAL** baby one more time."
She just pulled a Justin! You know- sqealin' at every possible note when you sing!

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