Jay Leno Review


*GoOOooOO Chris! To be honest, he didn't sound too good.....but then he was sick that night, so I'll lay off of him. :)

*Stupid, stupid teenyboppers! So freakin' loud! Notice JC tryin' to shut them up.

*Hmmmm...speaking of JC, I see he's got a little hair on that face of his. Oh dear, our JC is growing, ladies! It didn't look too bad, glad to know he CAN grow a goatee. I personally am leaning to the shaven JC.

* "Look at me! Look at me!" I see JC feels a bit proud of himself! He points to the mic during the chorus implying that he "drives himself crazy"...or is he pointing at the goatee?!?!?

*Geez man, once Justin's butt gets off the stool, the teenies go crazy! "I was such a...", "aAaAaHhhHhH!", " I couldn't...", "aAaAaHhhhH!"

*I have to say "WoOoOoHoOoO!!" for Justin. The boy looks so good with the new hair color. Check out more of my comments on the hair issue here: REDMAN.

*::Punch Punch Punch:: Whoa, JC! Where the heck did that come from? Tryin' to be Karate Kid, huh?

*Okay and now he's conducting....oh well Guess I should be used to all of that...what with the spazmatic dancing and all!

*Ooh! Ooh! The best part of the song was when they did the little acapella part, it really showed their true talent...I'm just so proud! My boys are all grown up!

Interview with Jay:

*How long did it take Justin to get that joke? Geez louise...

*Go Lance for admitting his relationship w/ Danielle! D@mn straight! Y'all know that he was just waiting for the chance to say it!

*It made me laugh watching Reese Witherspoon's facial expressions in the background while Lance spoke!

Well that's about it, kiddies. Other than the constant teeny screams, that's all! Unfortunately, I have no pictures to show you, but when I find some I'll put 'em up faster than you can say "My mom wants to marry *Nsync!"Back to Who's Got The Flow?