Happy Birthday, Joey!

Thanks to the girls at Mother of God!--An *N Sync Page for this picture.

Top Ten Things Joey Got For His Birthday...

10. Gift certificate- All you can eat at Applebee's.
9. Hair gel with extra super duper hold to keep the spikes goin'.
8. Silk Superman boxers.
7. New clothes- fur coat made with quality Elmo fur, T-shirt with the words "Italian Stallion" on it, and leather pants...wait can't forget the tube socks!
6. A night in the Playboy mansion.
5. A phonics book- hey if it worked for everyone else, it's gotta work for Joey!
4. Street chalk to draw hopschotch squares on his driveway.
3. Basketball lessons with Justin.
2. 100 bucks and a free ride to his favorite street corner.

And the number 1 thing Joey got for his b-day...


1. A pool full of Jell-O.

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